
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE



Welcome to Amazing Acorns! 


This week in Amazing Acorns we received a letter from a sad and lonely bear who needed our help to cheer him up. The children wrote special letters to the Bear (Harry) and we discussed ways that we can make our friends feel included and special. We found out that the Bear was from the story 'We're going on a bear hunt' and we watched a very fun video of the author Michael Rosen re-telling the story. We copied and rehearsed the re-telling of the story and the children performed it with the same amount of enthusiasm and energy as Micheal Rosen. On Thursday, the children went on our very own Bear hunt. We donned our wellie boots and waterproof coats to set off on our adventure into the woods. The children LOVED all the different elements of the story and enjoyed splashing through the 'deep, cold river', trudging through the 'thick, oozy mud' and battling the 'swirling, whirling snowstorm'. We eventually reached the 'narrow gloomy cave' and found our friend, Harry the Bear. We all had so much fun re-telling and sequencing the story and look forward to writing about our experience.

We're going a bear hunt!

People that help us day!

On the final day of term, we celebrated the end of our topic by dressing up as 'People that help us' and the children did an AMAZING job! There was such a variety of costumes ranging from emergency service heroes to Marvel and not forgetting Miss Doel's Evil Pea costume :) The children had lots of fun making their own superhero masks, parading our costumes in assembly and re-telling the story of Supertato!


Supertato, Evil Pea and Super Carrot continued....

This week in Amazing Acorns we have continued our learning on Supertato by making veggie pizzas. The children have been discussing healthy meals, what our likes/dislikes are with food and have been super brave trying new vegetables.

In Phonics we have been learning some new phonemes (single sounds) g,o,c,k and have focussed on the tricky word I. We have been matching the initial sound, sounding out CVC words, writing graphemes (written sounds) and words in our Outdoor classroom and, practising our letter formation. Please encourage your child to spot these graphemes and tricky words out and about in the environment, such as shops and bus stops as well as their reading books to help consolidate their learning at school.

In Maths we are still learning about the number 1 and how we can represent it in many ways. We have been finding 1 object, clapping once, have used the 10 frames to represent 1 and will be practising recognising and writing the numeral 1.

Supertato and Evil Pea   w/c 7th October 2019

This week was full of adventures with Supertato and Evil Pea. On Monday we received a letter asking us to make some 'Supercarrot' friends to help Supertato fight off Evil Pea. The children had a great time digging in the veg plot to find the perfect carrots, and when they arrived in school Wednesday morning we found that the carrots had used their super powers to trap the evil peas. We were really impressed with the traps that were built throughout the day - and the plans created to capture Evil Pea and his army. Unfortunately, on Thursday morning we were greeted by our carrots taped to the walls and unable to protect Supertato. We decided to get busy and design some WANTED posters which did the trick, and on Friday Evil Pea was finally captured and frozen in a block of ice!!

Amazing work Amazing Acorns.

The Guide Dog visit w/c 30th September 2019

On Monday Amazing Acorns had a very special and furry visit from Bridie and Elliott the Guide dogs and their incredible owners David and Frances. The children learned how the dogs were trained to support their owners around the local community and further afield and, even how to find bacon! The children and staff all loved the visit and especially cuddles from the lovely dogs.

We would also like to thank all those of you who donated to The Guide Dog Society, we managed to raise just over £30 and we know that David and Frances appreciated it a lot too.

Emergency vehicles w/b 23 September 2019.

This week we have been making our own fire engines and using junk model materials to make sirens, ladders, lights, wheels and hoses. Thank you for sending in your boxes to make this activity so successful. The children really had to use the R in SPARKLE and were resilient to do their best designing, cutting and sticking. They were so proud of their fire engines and enjoyed showing them off to the rest of the school.

On Thursday we were visited by a real fire engine and the children were thrilled to talk to the firefighters, sit in the fire engine and squirt water from the hose. The children asked some really thoughtful questions such as 'Why do you enjoy being a fireman?'.

The reply from Sonny the firefighter - 'Because I love helping people'


Next week we are looking forward to a visit from Guide Dogs from the Blind. On Monday morning please can you spare some change so that we can give a donation to this fabulous charity.

Listening games w/b 16th September 2019

This week we have had fun developing our listening and attention skills by playing some fun games. The children especially enjoyed 'Squashed bananas'. They had to listen to a question but were only allowed to reply with the answer 'squashed bananas'. 'What is in your pocket?....squashed bananas! What is your dad's name? ....squashed bananas. They thought this was very funny. Another favourite was the brick game. Only one child was allowed to add a brick to the tower, so they had to listen and pay attention for their name or a nod or a wink. Please try playing these games at home, and ask us if you'd like some more ideas. Listening is one of the basic building blocks of language and communication in Early Years so we will continue to develop these skills throughout the year.


On Thursday next week we will be having a visit from the fire engine. Please remember to bring in your boxes on Monday to make your own junk model emergency vehicle.

Super Heroes w/b September 9 2019


As part of our topic on Super Heroes we have been learning about People Wo Help Us - and this week started with a visit from Craig the firefighter.

The children listened carefully to all the safety information and we practised the 'STOP DROP AND ROLL' technique. We have been busy meeting all the people who help us around school and practising our super SPARKLE powers. This week have been Polite like Mr Tumble. Look out for children wearing one of our special SPARKLE stickers and ask them about their super learning powers.

Super Start    w/b 3 September 2019


Welcome. We will be using this page to keep you updated on all the exciting things happening in Amazing Acorns this year. Don't forget to also check Tapestry and Marvellous Me.
