
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Maths resources

This week in maths, we're going to be working towards learning out x tables and division facts.



For you task today, I would like you to head over to Purple Mash and complete the dividing by 6 and dividing by 7. Remember when we're dividing, we're sharing into equal groups. Make a note of any that you get incorrect and keep going over them.




Today, I would like you to consolidate your learning on dividing by 6 and 7. Find objects around your house in multiples of 6 or 7- for example you could collect 18 socks. I would then like you to divide your amount into 6 equal groups (if you chose a multiple of 6) or into 7 equal groups (if you chose a multiple of 7). How many do you have in each group? Take pictures, and write down the related division facts. When you've done this, send them to our class email. Have a look at my example below. 

Maths investigation - dividing by 6 and 7

Still image for this video


Complete the multiplying by 9 in focus. You are experts at showing your understanding of these. Think about what you notice. How could you show your method in different ways? How could you connect your knowledge? There is a Purple Mash document task set for you to complete this on. 


For your task today, I would like you to complete the Purple Mash task- division including the 9's. When you've finished this, make a list of all of the fact families that you can create.



Complete the Oak National lesson- Pictoral representations of multiplication and division
