
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Yr 1 - Brilliant Bonsais


Welcome to...

The Brilliant Bonsais

We are GOLDEN and we SPARKLE!

Week Beginning: 20th July 2020

Learning this week is a little bit different as we would like you to think about moving into Year 2 and what that means for you.

Wb. 13/07/20

 Week 7 Summer 2 


Hello Brilliant Bonsais, I hope you're all still ok and having fun learning from home! 

Some children have returned back to school this week. We are now in PODs and my pod has Mrs Fowler, Mrs Gadsby and Miss Batchford in it. At the moment we only have Brilliant Bonsais but things might change soon. We have been learning the same things as you this week, but we did write you some letters! The children were really excited to share them with you so click on the 'daily message' star to have a look! There is also a picture to show you what our POD looks like and all the other PODs in school look like this as well :) It's a little bit different to what school was like before but we're still having lots of fun!


Speak soon,

Miss Newman :)


Our email address is:





This week's English is a little bit different.


We would like you to create a Timecapsule about your time at school and home-school this year.


You can also start your Summer Reading Challenge.


Click on the English Sparkly Star and you will find the link to either print the documents or use the page ideas to create your own.


This week's maths home learning is a little bit different. We want you to practice word problems! 


Each day there will be a different word problem for you to read and answer (don't forget to email it to me to have a look at!)


This week's focus is:  subtraction word problems.



Click on the 'Maths' star for more information about each activity!




Our New Topic is ‘The Circus’ 

Here are some activities:


    If I ran the circus by Dr Seuss. - Draw what people would see in your circus.


    Don't forgot to log on to Purple Mash this week - Circus Performer


Watch Maddie Moate and Greg go live with science on Youtube every day at 11am!


Join in with a Joe Wicks workout Mon, Wed and Sat at 9am!

Grownups - you're doing a fantastic job! Remember to take break as well. Make yourself a cup of tea and watch your children play in the garden. Take time for yourself where you can and don't forget to contact me if you have any questions. I am always here to help you!


Please remember to H5 on Marvellous Me, it let's me know you've seen it and that you're OK :)

Watch Your Friends Read!

Teachers have been busy reading books for you whilst you have been at home, so we thought it was your turn! Have a look at some of your friend's brilliant reading below, and email your teacher your reading if you are feeling brave enough.




Bedtime Stories

During our little break from learning at school Mrs Rowe and I will be regularly uploading YouTube videos to our class page. These will be of our favourite stories for you to enjoy! Remember to join in if you know the words.


Norman The Slug With The Silly Shell

Year 1 presents Room on the Broom

There is no dragon in this story

Topsy and Tim Learn to Swim

"You're called WHAT?!"

A Squash and a Squeeze

Somebody Swallowed Stanley

Can I be your dog?

There's a Monster in your book!

The Pout Pout Fish

The Dinosaur that Pooped a Planet

Still image for this video


Purrrfect Pets!


This half term we are learning all about purrrfect pets. We are learning to write postcards, letters and diary entries using 'There's no cats in this book', 'Paddington Post' and 'Can I be your dog?' as our reading hooks. We have an exciting visitor to stay at school for a week and we can't wait to show you who it is!


In maths we will be learning how to solve word problems using all the skills we have learnt throughout Year 1 so far. We are beginning to learn how to divide and multiply,  using these skills to understand fractions. We are going to practice our fluency skills to help us defeat our maths superheroes.




We are continuing to use our baking trays to learn all of the fluency facts we need to do know by the end of Year 1!


English and Phonics

This half term we will be focusing on non-fiction texts to write postcards, letters and diary entries all about our purrrfect pets. Alongside tricky words all children should now have phonics bug books which they can read at home. These are in sets and are linked with the sounds that your child is learning to read in class.

Arfy the dog sent us a letter asking us if we will let him come and stay in our school. 

We asked Ms Sheppard and she said YES! So now we are writing back to him to tell him the good news.

Remember to read as much as you can (3x minimum) every week to earn a sticker on your RED TED. We love reading at Glade Hill and this term we are focusing on the children becoming independent readers. We will begin using the library during our ICT slot so that the children have a wide range of books to choose from, but don't forget that you can read a book from home as well!

How to Catch a Star

For World Book Day 2020 the children were invited into school in their pyjamas for our 'bedtime stories' theme. We focused the day around the book 'How to Catch a Star' by Oliver Jeffers. The children sequenced the story and then created ideas around how to help the boy catch a star. The children used their imaginations and created a fantastic story board! We love reading in the Brilliant Bonsais so the day was enjoyed very much by everyone.


World Book Day 2020!


As Scientists we will be learning how to compare different types of animals, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

British Science Week



As Geographers we will be learning to identify different weather patterns, linking to our science curriculum by focusing on the season of Spring and the changes it brings!



In computing we will be Lego builders and Maze Explorers. We will be following important instructions and use directions to complete challenges successfully.



As Artists we will be using a range of materials creatively to make collage animals in the style of author and illustrator Eric Carle.









We show good manners at all times.

We are kind to everyone and everything.

We follow instructions straight away.

Key Reminders:

  • P.E is on Tuesdays. Kits needs to be in school all the time during term. PE kit should consist of a white t-shirt and black shorts. Tracksuit bottoms and a sports jacket may be worn for outdoor PE.
  • Reading diaries are checked every FRIDAY, please remember to read at least 3x a week and sign your child’s diary to get a sticker on their RED TED.
  • Parent’s Evening is Tuesday 25th February and Wednesday 26th November.
  • Class email – /


Below are some useful website to help the children keep learning at home!