
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE


  • Headteacher letter regarding possible strike action by NEU

    Fri 27 Jan 2023 Mrs Stapleton

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    Following on from my letter last week, I am writing to detail to you the potential impact of the strike action being taken by the NEU (National Education Union) on 1 February 2023. The strike action is in relation to a national dispute over pay and the challenges of national funding decisions rather than any issue with the school.


    So far, we have not been notified by any teachers that they definitely plan to take strike action on this day. Therefore, the outcome of the completed risk assessment from Nottingham City Council is that Glade Hill will remain open or partially open to pupils and staff on this day.


    However, I am unable to guarantee classes will not be affected on the day and need to be closed, as guidance from the NEU states that teachers do not have to inform school leaders in advance.


    On the day of the strike, as soon as we know of any class closures, we will inform you by text message. If you do not hear from us, please assume that your child’s class is open and they can attend school.


    As in my last letter, you may wish to consider a back-up plan of alternative arrangements for childcare, should this be required, in the event that your child’s class is closed. I am sorry that I am unable to give you any further information.


    Kind regards,


    Mrs Anna Stapleton


  • Family Newsletter Spring 1 2023

    Wed 18 Jan 2023
  • Letter from Mrs Stapleton - Spring 1

    Wed 18 Jan 2023
  • Welcome back - Headteacher letter to parents and carers - Spring 1

    Tue 17 Jan 2023 Mrs Stapleton


    Dear Parents and Carers of Glade Hill,


    I hope you all had a nice Christmas break. It has been so lovely to see all of the children back in school and ready to learn. During my learning walks already this term, I have seen some great work by pupils, positive attitudes to learning and teachers and staff going above and beyond to ensure children make the best progress possible. Let’s keep up the good work!


    We have lots of great learning planned this term, so make sure you also check out our website for useful information regarding what your children are learning in their classes. Our teachers have been working hard on the ‘Class Pages’ and they will be updating them throughout the term with photographs, examples of work and useful links to support your child’s learning.




    As part of our efforts at Glade Hill to continually improve, I have set three School Development priorities for this academic year in conjunction with my Senior Leaders and Governors.


    These are as follows:


    1. To review current policy and improve provision to raise attainment in writing across the school.
    2. To develop assessment strategies across the curriculum.
    3. To raise attendance levels across the school, reducing the absence rates and supporting persistent absentees to attend school more regularly.


    Staff training and development for the Spring and Summer terms will focus on improving the teaching of writing across the school, as this is one of the areas of the curriculum effected most by the C-19 partial school closures and remote education. Senior Leaders will also be working to develop our assessment policy and practice, ensuring that children are accessing Quality First Teaching and appropriate interventions to move their learning forwards.


    As you know improving attendance is very important. Your child having the best possible attendance is an important way that you can support their learning and achievement. Research shows that children with over 95% attendance achieve better grades, achieve their best and are happier and more settled in school.


    We have presented children with 100% attendance for the Autumn term with bronze star badges to mark this achievement. Well done to all the children who received one. We will be repeating this at the end of the Spring and Summer terms, so there will be other chances for children to receive a badge. Those with two terms of 100% attendance will be presented with a Silver star and three terms is a Gold star! We have also been continuing to announce which classes have the best attendance each week in assemblies, which is proving very motivating. The winning classes earn extra outside time and the phase attendance trophy for the week!




    We have also already responded to feedback from our successful OFSTED report, and our club programme is now up and running on Wednesdays after school. I know everyone who attended this week had a great time, with a selection of clubs offered to KS1 and KS2 children in lots of different areas from sport to Lego to knitting! Nearly all of the clubs are now full, but we will be running a new selection after half-term, so if any children missed the letter please contact the office to be put on the waiting list.




    With so much going on in school, make sure you check the MarvellousMe app for updates, reminders and messages regarding all the fun things we are going to be learning and doing in school. This is our main communication tool so if you do not yet have the app, or you are experiencing problems, please speak to a member of our Office team who will be able to help you. This app is also used to send ‘badges’ when your child has been praised by a member of staff including leaders, so keep a look out.




    Thank you in advance for all your support for our amazing school and I look forward to seeing you all very soon.

    Kindest regards,


    Mrs Anna Stapleton

