We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Super Cedars,
This week in English lessons you will work on non-chronological reports. You are going to find out about their features, carry out some research and then plan an opening. You have three lessons to watch then a Purple Mash activity to complete on Monday and Wednesday. You can record Tuesdays research on Purple Mash if you want to- just write them in your own blank document on 2Publish. You are then going to have two Purple Mash reading comprehensions and quizzes to complete.
In Maths this week we are focussing on position and direction. This starts with coordinates and then moves onto reflections and translations. Take a look at the video on the link below below to help you with a recap on coordinates. On Friday you are going to practise your times tables. Remember that on MyMaths you can click on the orange Practice tab and this will give you all year group lessons- even Year 7 if you want to challenge yourselves! You can also practise times tables on TT Rockstars!
In Science you have a lesson to watch and complete. You also have a History and Geography task set on MyMaths and a PSHE activity. I have also included the link for the Picture News assembly.
All of the links you need can be found below.
Ask your grown ups to send me an email if you are unsure of anything!
Miss Marshall :)
English Links
Wider Curriculum
Picture News virtual assembly www.picture-news.co.uk/discuss