We are Golden and we SPARKLE
FRiends Of Glade Hill School
The FROGS is our parent and teacher team. Some schools call it a PTA (Parents and Teachers Association). We are a team of volunteers who plan and organise fundraising events. Our aim is to provide enjoyable activities for our children and their families. Money raised goes directly to benefit our children.
If you would like any further information about FROGS please do not hesitate to email: FROGS@gladehill.nottingham.sch.uk or contact Mrs Beet (EYFS), Mrs Ozkaya (Year 5/6) or Mrs Rowe (EYFS).
Thank you to our FROGS team who sold raffle tickets for our amazing hampers and provided refreshments at all our Christmas Performances. Together we raised nearly £500.
Thank you to everyone that bought your children's Christmas Card designs. The commission we received was £250.
All this goes into our Frogs budget to benefit our wonderful children.
At our Spring term meeting we have discussed future events that our wonderful FROGS. will support. Watch this space!!!
Thank you to all the FROGS for helping prepare the material for the Fabric Painting session.
We had a great time with parents and children painting fabric to decorate the lower school hall. We will be running some more sessions in September for people who didn't get on this time, as we had an amazing response!
Thanks again for all your support,
Mrs. Ozkaya and Mrs. Beet
Last year, for example we raised £180.90 from the KS1 and KS2 Christmas film nights and £383.95 from the hampers raffled at the Christmas performances.
Some of the this money was put to good use by funding the Christmas Craft Day and costumes for KS1 and KS2 Christmas performances which will be used year after year.
The adventure play area also benefited from Supporters funds by having the bark surface replaced.