
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Weekly Homework

Homework set on 30.4.21


This week in maths, we have been learning how to use column to add and subtract 3 digit numbers. 

Please complete the My Maths task: Mixed Sums all numbers, which I have set.

Homework set on 23.4.21


This week in maths, we have been learning our complements to 100. 

Please complete the sheet below. Use the website link for support.

Homework set on 19.3.21


This week I have set one task on MyMaths. 

> Y3 Correspondence Problems 


Please can the children also practice their 3s, 4s and 8s. They can do this via TT Rockstars as well!

Homework set on 12.3.21


This week I have set one task on MyMaths. 

> Multiplication and Division 3 - OW


I also would like the children to practice the following pink words.

appear, believe, caught, century, eight, eighth

Christmas Holiday's Project


As we are moving onto multiplication and division in the New Year, it would be great if you could practice your 3, 4 and 8 times tables! 

But most importantly, ENJOY YOUR BREAK! It is well earned :) 

Homework 11.12.20

This week in maths we have been learning how to subtract with renaming as well as recapping learning from Autumn 1. 

Please can you complete the My Maths task below to support your maths learning; 

- [Y3] Estimating Amounts

Homework 04.12.20

This week in maths we have been learning how to subtract with renaming. 

Please can you complete the My Maths task below to support your maths learning; 

- [Y3] Subtraction Columns.

Homework 27.11.20

This week in maths we have been learning how to subtract with renaming. 

Please can you complete the My Maths task below to support your maths learning; 

- [Y3] Introducing column subtraction.

Homework 20.11.20

This week in maths we have been learning how to subtract and practising our adding. 

Please can you complete the My Maths task below to support your maths learning; 

- [Y3] Mixed sums 10s and 100s.

Homework 13.11.20

This week in maths we have been learning how to subtract 1s, 10s and 100s. 

Please can you complete the My Maths task below to support your maths learning; 

- [Y3] Mental Addition and Subtraction

Homework 6.11.20 

This week's homework is based on our amazing addition learning in our maths lessons where we have looked at the column method. 

The My Maths task is: 

- Y3 Adding Columns 


This homework is due in 12.11.20

Half Term creative project!

16.10.2020 Homework 

This week your My Maths task have been set and are due in anytime over the half term. The task set coincides with our learning in lessons and therefore will help consolidate learning.

It is;

- Introducing Column Addition
