We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Hello to all our amazing F2 children and families. We send our love to you all – and miss seeing you every day. Well done to everyone who has completed tasks already from the learning pack we sent home. We have been so thrilled to see the work you have shared with us on Tapestry, Purple Mash or via email and we will be sharing some of your pics in our Gallery. If you are having issues accessing any of the above please do not hesitate to contact us – we will be checking our class email regularly.
PLEASE remember that children learn so much through their play. Continue to do all the things you love to do together – play games, paint, make, colour, draw, sing songs, tell jokes, read books and play outside if you can.
Also, use this time to teach your child to use a knife and fork properly, and encourage them to get themselves dressed. These independent skills are great for your child's self-esteem as well as their control and co-ordination.
We hope we have provided you with loads of stuff to keep you busy. Please do not feel you have to do it all straight away. And remember to contact us if you have any questions or are feeling overwhelmed.
We are so proud of everything your children have achieved so far this year, and even though they may not be in school for a little while, we know they will continue to grow and develop. We hope you all stay healthy and safe and we look forward to continuing this learning journey together.
Hi Amazing Acorns.
We hope you are all well. We can’t quite believe there is only one week left before the summer holidays begin – what a very strange year it has been. We want to say a huge well done to you and your families for your resilience during the past few months. We have been so impressed with all your fabulous home learning and it has meant the world to us that you have found lots of ways to stay in touch. Some children are back in school now and it has been lovely to have them back in the classrooms. Over the last couple of weeks we have been getting to know some of the new children who will be joining us in Early Years in September, and we know you have been finding out who your new teachers will be in Year 1. This week we have planned some transition activities for you to tell your new teachers a liitle bit more about you and what your wishes are for next year. We will be sharing all the incredible things we know about you with your new teachers too, so they can start to prepare for September.
We hope you have a great summer and we look forward to seeing you all back in school in September.
Take care and stay safe.
Love from all your teachers x x
Look what I discovered when I walked down the garden yesterday. Froglets!! Do you remember all the tadpoles we had in Green Zone just before school closed. Well, finally they have grown legs and are now hopping around my garden. They are tiny so we have to be very careful where we walk but I am really happy to see them. I hope you are still having fun in your gardens and out and about. Remember to look under sticks, stones and leaves to see what you can find. Maybe you could look for some caterpillars. See you soon xx
Week beginning 27.04.20
Below you will find learning activities and ideas
for the following week.
We hope you are all safe and well, and enjoyed a fun Easter break. Hopefully, the Easter bunny stopped by and you have had lots of delicious, chocolatey eggs to eat.
We are excited to get back to learning. Thank you for all the lovely photos and e-mails you have continued to send, as well as your super work on Purple Mash.
Below you will find learning activities and ideas
for the following week.
Down on the Farm
Hello everyone!
It's hard to believe that if we were at school as normal we would be finishing today for a two week Easter holiday. We still think its important you have some time to rest and relax at home, so we have decided not to set you Learning tasks for the next couple of weeks so you can have lots of fun with your families. However, we know you might still be looking for things to do, so below you will find some fun links and ideas.
We know it is hard to explain to children what is going on right now - especially little ones. So below are a couple of clips we think will help you.
Challenge to all F2 children and adults.... Can you learn to sing and sign along to 'A Wonderful World' by Louis Armstrong. I am hopeful that this song will cheer us up in this tricky time and to help us remember all the amazing and small things to remain grateful for.
Please send videos of your wonderful work to Tapestry or the acorns email address!
Happy signing!
This page will be updated with more learning on Friday 17th April.
Remember to continue to do the tasks on Purple Mash and send us pictures of you and your families on Tapestry or via email
We have loved looking at all the photos you have sent so far. We have been enjoying spending time with our families and pets while we are not at school.......
Tadpole update.....
Finally – just to keep you updated we released the tadpoles back into the pond this week. Here are a few photos. We will send more when we have some little froglets jumping around. Can you remember the different stages of the frog life-cycle? Maybe you could draw it and show your grown-ups.