
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Yr 2 - Wonderful Wisterias



You have shown that you are  GOLDEN  and you SPARKLE!

I am excited to continue with our topic all about Africa and we have some great text ready to share with you! 


Mrs Gohil and Miss Ramage








We Are Wonderful Wisterias!


We are GOLDEN and we SPARKLE!


smiley Welcome to our class page! smiley


Here you will find all of our Wonderful learning and see photographs of the fun and engaging lessons we take part in each week.


Our class email is 

please feel free to email me and I will reply as soon as I can! 


Mrs Gohil and Miss Ramage

Summer 1

Night Vision!


This half term our topic is Night Vision! We are learning to write to entertain by writing a Fantasy Story and writing to inform by writing a Non-Chronological Report all about owls. 


The text we will use to help us will include:

'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson 

Spring 2

Super Safari!


This half term our topic is Super Safari! We are learning to write to entertain by writing a story based in Africa and writing to inform by writing a diary entry from another cultural perspective. 


These texts will include

'Lila and the Secret of Rain' by David Convey and Jude Daly 

'Anna Hibiscus' by Atinuke, an African author 

Spring 1



This half term our topic is Superheroes! We are learning to write a set of instructions on

'How to Make a Superhero Potion' and a Fantasy Story using stories from the same author 

Mini Grey.

These texts will include:

'Traction Man is Here' and 'Traction Man Meets Turbodog'

We will also be using these to help us in our learning about our 5 senses in Science.



Autumn 2

Frozen Kingdom!


This half term our topic is FROZEN KINGDOM! We are learning to write a non-chronological report and a letter, using our key texts:

'The Rainbow Bear' by Michael Morpurgo and 'The Great Explorer' by Chris Judge.

We will also be using these to help us in our learning about cold climates and adaptation.


Easter Craft Competition 2021 Winners

Our Woodland Adventure

Reading Books/RED TED


  • Reading books will be given out/changed on Mondays only. 
  • They have a week to read the book.
  • The book is to be returned on Fridays - it cannot be returned any other day. 
  • The books will be quarantined over the weekend, ready for Monday morning. 


If your child has a longer book to read, they can keep it until it is read but still must only return in on a Friday. 

If your child forgets their book on a Friday, they must wait until the following Friday to return it. 


If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to email me and ask, I know the children are very excited to get a reading book again!
