
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE


Welcome to Amazing Acorns!

Superstar Reader!

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Sports Day!

Mrs Beckett brought her pet tortoises in for the day!

Super Singing!

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In F1 the children have been learning all about England as it is our focus country for the UEFA European Football Championship 2024. As part of this topic we have been looking at London, as it is the capital city of England. Following on from this the children have also enjoyed learning about the royal family, mainly King Charles and Queen Camilla who often reside in Buckingham Palace in London.
The children have learned a great song that they performed in assembly this week!

Super Singing Continued!

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A visit from the 'The Wee Donkey Company'

Today we had a visit from  'The Wee Donkey Company'.  It was very exciting.  There were two donkeys called, Bluebell and Tallulah.  We learned all about different parts of their bodies and how to feed and care for them.  We were even lucky enough to feed and groom them.

F1's Easter Extravaganza!

It's been Easter celebrations galore this week in F1.  We have been singing Easter songs, making Easter crafts, baking Easter nests, going on an Easter egg hunt and showcasing our Easter bonnets in our Easter bonnet parade.

Pizza Making


Andie and Bet from Asda came to help us make pizzas today.  They taught us all about the ingredients and showed us how to chop and spread them on our pizza.

World Book Day


F1 have had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day.  We have been dressing up, reading lots of fabulous books, re-enacting some stories and using the internet to learn  all about our book characters.

Neil Armstrong

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Take a look at the moment Neil Armstrong landed on the moon.