
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Spring 1

We are writers

Our English lessons this half term will be inspired by the book ‘Stig of the Dump’ by Clive King. We will also be reading lots of other books about the Stone Age.

We will be learning how to write non-chronological reports and diary entries.

We will be using lots of exciting vocabulary, punctuation and grammar, such as subordination to make our writing fantastic!


We are mathematicians 

In maths this half term we will be learning about multiplication and division then moving on to area and perimeter.

Please keep practicing your times tables at home using tackling tables. If you need a copy of your child’s log in details, please ask a member of the year 3 team.


We are athletes

This half term, PE will be on Tuesday for Ferns and Firs. Our unit in PE is swimming. Children should make sure their swimming kit is in school every Tuesday. They will need a swimming costume or swimming trunks and a towel. Please make sure your child comes to school with all jewellery removed and long hair tied up.


Wider Curriculum

In Art we are creating paintings and collages.

In Science we will be learning about different types of rocks.

In PSHE we are learning about belonging to a community.

In Computing we are learning about databases.

In History we are learning about changes in Britain from the Stone Age to Iron Age.

In RE we are learning about prayer.
