We are Golden and we SPARKLE
This week in history we’re going to be finding out about why the Romans chose to invade Britain. We’ll consider what Britain was like before they arrived, and what made them appeal to the Romans. Begin by watching the video which can be accessed via the video resource centre. When you have done, head over to Purple Mash and complete the book, by explaining why each item appealed to the Romans.
This week in PSHE we’re going to be continuing our learning on Money. Today, we will learn about the importance of keeping track of how much we spend, and why this is important. Begin by watching the video, which can be accessed via the video resource centre. All of the resources that are referred to in the video, can be found below.
Lesson 2- Using compass points to locate French towns.
This week in science we’re going to be continuing with our learning on electricity. Today you will find out about simple circuits and scientific symbols that can be used to represent these. Begin by working your way through the video. When you have done this, complete the first task, matching the scientific symbols of the circuit on Purple Mash. For task 2, I would like you to recreate a simple circuit, by choosing one of the options listed.
World Book Day
Art & RE
This week in RE, you’re going to be continuing our learning on pilgrimages and why people make religious journey. Today we will be focusing on the journey of Hajj and its importance to Muslims. Begin by watching the BBC video listed below. When you have done this, have a look at the overview, and work your way through the reflective tasks.
This week in art, we will be developing our sketching skills. Using the posters provided below, I would like you to have a go at sketching Roman soldiers in motion. Follow the link below to help you. Think about the different angles that you can create, and the shading techniques that you can adopt. When you have done this, I’d like you to annotate each of your drawings, reflecting on what worked well, what you would develop, and how you created different shades and tones using your pencils. As a bonus task, why not have a go at creating one example made from a different media such as paint, colouring pencils, crayons etc.