We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Homework will be set weekly on a Thursday and is due in the following Thursday. Children who bring their homework in will have a star on their homework card. When this is full, they will receive a reward.
Please make sure that children's names are put on their homework, so they will receive their stars and therefore their rewards!
Easter Half term homework
Date set: Thursday 28th March 2024
Due in: Monday 15th April 2024
Also, for your homework over Easter it's all about times tables. We challenge you to practice your times tables, using the web links on the sheet as much as you can. Use your Tackling Tables login and have fun!
Have fun and we can't wait to see how you get on!
Easter History Creative Project
Date set: Thursday 28th March 2024
Due in: Monday 20th April 2024
Next half-term, we will be launching our Legacies: Past and future, focusing on the impact of ours and people’s actions on the way that we lived in the past, present and how we will live in the future. For your half-term creative project, why not have a go at creating one of the following things:
• Can you write a letter to the caesar?
• Could you create a poster all about the Romans?
• Could you create a wanted poster for Boudicca - an enemy of the Romans?
• Create a Roman shield.
• Try a Roman bread recipe.
Have fun and we can't wait to see what you come up with!
Christmas homework challenge
Date set: Wednesday 20th December 2023
Due in: Thursday 4th January 2024
For your homework over Christmas we have two exciting challenges for you to have a go at. For reading, we challenge you to read everyday this Christmas holidays as many fun and different ways as you think of!
For you Maths challenge this Christmas, it's all about times tables. We challenge you to practice your times tables, using the web links on the sheet as much as you can. Use your Tackling Tables login and have fun!
Have fun and we can't wait to see how you get on!
Half-term History Creative Project
Date set: Friday 20th October 2023
Due in: Thursday 9th November 2023
Next half-term, we will be launching our exploration and discovery theme, focusing on the achievements of the ancient Egyptians. For your half-term creative project, why not have a go at creating one of the following things:
• Can you write your name in hieroglyphics?
• Could you create a 3D pyramid?
• Could you create your own 3D sarcophagus?
•Research an ancient Egyptian achievement and present this in the form of a book, PowerPoint presentation or something creative?
• Research a famous ancient Egyptian pharaoh, such as Tutankhamun and create a fact file about him.
Have fun and we can't wait to see what you come up with!