
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Home Learning W/C 15.6.20



This week, your writing challenge is to create a story based around The Snail and the Whale.


It's a great story, with loads of ideas for writing!


You could...


  • Retell the story (or part of the story) in your own words
  • Create a diary entry of the snail's journey
  • Try telling the same part of the story from the different points of view of the whale and the snail
  • Write the story in first person as if you are one of the creatures
  • Just use the story as an inspiration to write a completely new story of your own!


You can use a writing template on Purple Mash to submit your story - it would be great to read them!



There will be five multiplication challenges to complete on My Maths this week.


Also, remember to keep practising on Times Tables Rock Stars - use it or lose it!



For reading this week, the second chapter of A Bridge on Fire has been set on Purple Mash.

There are some online questions to answer once you have read it, and the following worksheet questions to complete.


There is also a poetry activity related to the story called The Jump.



The third instalment of Miss E-T's French challenge is here!



The activity from Notts Sports this week is Gymnastics!


The activity this week is called 'Sizing up Species'. It will involve making a measuring box so that you can make predictions and comparisons of the size of different species!


Attached below you will find a lesson presentation, a sheet of animal measurements to compare, and a guide for your adult (you will need some help with this activity). All the instructions for the measuring box will be in the guide. You wil be using lengths of string to estimate and compare the size of different animals!


Just focus on Session one from the activity sheet - Session 2 will involve a lot of paper, and is probably best done at school!


What species will you measure?

Geography / Art

For geography, we will have a closer look at a marine ecosystem - coral reefs!


First, try out the reading comprehension to learn about what a coral reef is (there are two difficulty levels).


Next, use coloured paper to create a coral reef collage in the style of Matisse! (Hint, if you don't have coloured paper, you could colour in your pieces with felt tip!)

Purple Mash


There is a new coding activity to complete on Purple Mash: Driving Game.
