
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE


20.7.20  Summer 2 Week 8! 



Reading:  BINGO!


Summer Reading BINGO!  Focus on reading for pleasure.  Choose an activity to make your reading experience fun, as well as look at the suggested reads for those looking for great books!


Writing: A selection of activities to choose from:


Scrapbook of Year 2

Use the scrap book to think about all the fantastic things that have happened in Year 2! 

It would be great to share with your new teacher or keep it safe to look back on in a years’ time!


Hopes for the summer

What do you hope your summer will hold?


In the summer I see…

Where will you go?  What will you see?


Summer Nature Walk:

Head out in the sunshine and notice what’s around you!


13.7.20 Summer 2 Week 7



Monday:  Transition:  A note for My Teacher

Complete the letter and fact file about you, ready to share with your new teacher during this week’s Zoom call! 


Tuesday- Friday

Complete a task from the English Activity Transition Booklet


Practice some of the key skills we have learnt this year, ready for your transition into Year 3!



5.7.20 Summer 2 Week 6



Monday:  Beaches Comprehension (There are 3 versions- 1star- EASIER, 2star- Age related, 3 Star-Challenge!)


Tuesday: Read the poem ‘Seaside Fun’ and discuss all the memories or things you can do at the seaside.  Look at the pictures to help think about ideas and brainstorm your ideas.


Wednesday: Write your own version of the poem.  Can you make two lines rhyme like in the original?



Thursday: Another Type of Poem are Acrostic Poems.  Here a letter in a word starts each sentence.  We are going to use the word ‘Seaside’.  Look at the example and have a go at writing your own!


Friday: Word Search.  Find the Seaside words hidden in the word search.  Look for the letter patterns to help you.



 We are going to be looking at the series of 'Traction Man' books by Mini Grey. 


This weeks book is...


Traction Man and the Beach Odyssey





Traction Man and the Beach Odyssey by Mini Grey

29.6.20 Summer 2 Week 5


Traction Man is enjoying the hot weather and is going to the beach!  

Read all about his adventure and imagine all the amazing things he will see when he dives into the water!




Read along/ listen to the new text “Traction Man and the Beach Odyssey”

The weather has been so hot that Traction Man has been to the beach!


Shared Reading:  Discuss the meaning of the words crevices, aquatic, lurk, elusive


Tuesday: Grammar:  Label some of the items (using the correct punctuation) of the things Traction Man packs



Look at the 3 examples of setting descriptions.  Highlight the use of capital letters/ full stops/ adjectives and sentence openers.



Thursday: Finish the sentences describing what Traction Man can see/ hear/ touch as he dives in the deep ocean.


Friday: Writing

Describe what Traction Man would see under the water in a final setting description. 


Copy up your best setting description in your neatest handwriting and be proud of your work!  J



22.6.20 Summer 2 Week 4





Read along/ listen to the new text “Traction Man meets Turbo Dog!”


Using an extract from the text highlight words you are unsure of.  Look at words such as: Compost, harness, glacier, mystic, the summit! Discuss what they mean with a grown up.  Annotate the text if you wish.


Tuesday: Think about reasons for and against why the little boy’s parents might put Scrubbing Brush in the bin!!!


Wednesday: Design your own TURBO PET! 

What would your character be?  Maybe it could be a mixture of pets!


Thursday:  RSE DAY (relationship education)  Please see the Parent advice booklet.


This year’s theme for RSE Day is ‘Books I Love About Love’.  You can join in by reading a book about love with your child or sharing your favourite books on social media using #BooksILoveAboutLove #RSEday.


Friday: Writing

Tell me all about your Turbo Pet.  Does your Turbo Pet have any special powers?  How does it help Traction Man?

Copy up your best character description and be proud of your work!  J


Traction man meets Turbodog


❤️ Love From Dr Seuss Book Read Aloud l Online Stories Read Aloud By the Storyteller

Frog and Toad are Friends

We Are Family By Patricia Hegarty | Children's Story Books Read Aloud

Traction Man is here!

15.6.20 Summer 2 Week 3




Monday:  Reading Questions about Jeremy Strong


Tuesday: Design an outfit for Traction Man for a new setting.


Wednesday: Grammar


Traction Man dives into the sink… what would he see?  Use adjectives to describe.


Thursday:  Writing

Use your work from yesterday to write into full sentences.  How can you describe what’s around him?


Friday: Writing

Complete your extended piece if needed.


Reading: (History)  All about Florence Nightingale


8.6.20  Summer 2 Week 2 



Monday:  Re-read the story of Traction Man is Here and think about what Traction Man might be thinking at different parts of the story.

Fill in the thought bubbles


Tuesday: Grammar: Introduction to speech marks

Pop the bubbles and write the speech in a sentence.  Use the example to help you.


Wednesday: Grammar


Read the two diary entries and discuss what is different about them.  Which is more effective?  Can you find the adjectives?


Thursday:  Writing

Write a WOW sentence for each part of the story given.  Continue to plan your own adventure!


Friday: Writing

Complete your own diary entry for Tractions Man’s day. 

1.6.20 Summer 2 Week 1



Monday:  Reading

Read along to the story of Traction Man.  Make a list of all the things you find out about him.

What other ‘superheroes’ do you know?  What do they do?  Do they have special powers?


Tuesday: Grammar

Which ‘there’

Complete the sentences using the correct ‘there/ their or they’re’


Wednesday: Plan your writing

Invent your own superhero


Thursday: Writing: Sentence structure

Uplevel the boring sentences


Friday: Writing

Write about your own superhero.

18.5.20  Week 5


This week we are going to be using our planning to write our very own chapter of the story, 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark!'  I hope you have been enjoying the story as much as I have.  The next chapter, 'Chapter 5 Dark is Fascinating' is below too, so make sure you have a good read for inspiration and to be able to answer the questions about the text in your reading booklet.  I'll be modelling some writing lessons too, so click on the videos to help you write a fantastic chapter about Plop.  



Monday:  Reading

Read Chapter 5

Answer questions on Page 5 of comprehension booklet


Tuesday: Reading

Nocturnal or Diurnal


Wednesday:  Writing

Modelled Writing- Introduction.


Thursday: Writing

Middle- New Setting.  Follow Miss Lee’s Modelled writing lesson Part 2


Friday: Writing

Ending Follow Miss Lee’s Modelled writing lesson Part 3!


Present your story neatly and send me a photo!


Chapter 5 Dark is Fascinating

Modelled Writing Introduction/Beginning

Modelled writing Middle

Our own Chapter

Our Home Learning

11.5.20  Week 4



This week we are going to start to think about planning our own chapter of the story.  This week we will read Chapter 4 'Dark is NECESSARY'.  Do you know what necessary means?  Talk to your grown ups.


When thinking about your own chapter- we need to think about what we think about the dark.  You could use Dark is ....  to think about some ideas.   So far Plop has met lots of different characters... who could Plop meet next in your chapter?

Our Learning Journey for the week 11.5.20



Monday:  Reading

Read Chapter 4

Who said…?  Identify characters from the text for the chapters read.  Answer questions on Page 4 of comprehension booklet


Tuesday: Reading


Who do you think Plop might meet that will help him?


Wednesday: What do you think about the dark?

Dark is …

Think about what name you could give a chapter in the book. What do you think of the dark?  Would this persuade Plop?


Thursday:  Modelled Story Plan/ Map

If you were to write a chapter yourself, who would Plop meet?  Plan your own chapter, ready for next week.


Friday: Spellings/ Handwriting/ Presentation

Present your story map neatly and send me a photo!


Practice spellings from your spelling list

Handwriting joins sheet


Story Plan

Plan your own chapter with Miss Lee!

Chapter 4 The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark

Our Learning Journey for Week 11.5.20

4.5.20  Week 3


This week we are continuing our learning, using 'The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark!' by Jill Tomlinson.  Chapter 3 is called 'Dark is Fun' and Plop meets a boy scout.  Have you heard about boy scouts?  Ask your grown ups if you aren't sure.


Chapter 3 Dark is Fun!

Our Learning Journey for this week...



Monday:  Reading

Read Chapter 3, using the video with Miss Lee and answer the questions about Chapter 3, ‘Dark is FUN!


Tuesday: Grammar

Complete the sentences to describe Plop, using the word bank given.


Wednesday: Grammar/ Writing

Compare Introductions:

Highlight adjectives used in a text to see which is more effective


Thursday:  Modelled Writing

Follow the lesson from Miss Lee online to write your own description of Plop.  Use the example, word bank and your knowledge of adjectives to make it SPARKLE


Friday: Complete a final copy, in your neatest handwriting.  Send Miss Lee a picture of your work and be proud!


Modelled writing Character description Plop The Barn Owl

Miss Lee has braved the camera to complete a modelled writing lesson to support your writing on Thursday! I hope it is helpful!

27.4.20  Week 2


In chapter 1, Plop meet a little boy who told him 'Dark was Exciting', because he got to see fireworks in the dark!  Plop was excited to see them too!  What can you remember about Plop- where did he live?  


This week we are going to continue to read 'The Owl who was Afraid of the dark- Chapter 2 is called 'Dark is Kind'.  I wonder- how do you think the dark could be kind?  Plop meets a little old lady, who tells him all about why she thinks it is.  I hope you are enjoying the story so far laugh

Miss Lee reading Chapter 2 of 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark'

TASK 1: Draw a picture of where Plop lives.  Can you think where he might have flown to meet the characters in chapter 1 (the little boy) and chapter 2 (The little old lady)?  Maybe you could draw them on your picture too.


TASK 2: Explore Chapter 2- using the New Chapter sheet below.  What can you find in the text?


TASK 3:  Answer the comprehension questions about Chapter 2:  Dark is kind.



Week 2 Learning Journey

Summer 1  Week 1 20.4.17


This half term we will be using the book 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' to base lots of our learning on.  Below is a link to Chapter 1 of the book.  


The book is about a baby barn owl called Plop... who is afraid of the dark!  This is quite tricky for an owl, who are mainly nocturnal and like to hunt for their food during the darkness.  

Task 1:  Can you draw Plop and label him, using your own powerful adjectives?


Task 2:  Can you research and find out some information about Barn Owls?  What do they eat?


Task 3:  Answer some questions about Chapter 1, using the comprehension question sheet below


The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark

Reading Books


Oxford Owl has access to hundreds of eBooks for you to access at home.  You can also view lots of eBooks through Twinkl.  Click the link to see some of our favourite characters.


Spelling and Handwriting


These sheets will help you practise your spelling and handwriting in one!  Try to join some of your letters if you can- ready for a SPARKLY pencil laugh
