
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Yr 5 - Marvellous Maples

Welcome to...


Marvellous Maples!


Our theme for Summer 2 is...



Our House is on Fire!

Our class novel for this half term is...



In writing lessons, we will be learning to write magazine articles based around the theme of climate change, particularly focusing on things that everybody can do at home to contribute towards reversing the climate challenges we face.


We will also be learning to write persuasively, composing letters to convince others to make changes in their lives to help combat climate change.


In Shared Reading, we will be covering a variety of genres and focusing particularly on sequencing and summarising skills.



In maths this half term we will be learning how to measure angles, and calculate angles using our knowledge about straight lines and angles around a point.


We will also learn how to convert between units of measure, read data from a line graph, and read timetables.

Wider Curriculum

Science - Properties of Materials

Geography - Geography of the Uk

Art - Collage

P.E. - Athletics
We will not be changing into PE kits. Please ensure your child is wearing sensible shoes to school. Please can children not wear earrings on PE days.


We will be swimming on Thursday afternoons. Please ensure that your child has appropriate clothing as specified in the letter that was sent.


If you would like to get in contact with me, the best way is to email the class account-

Thank you, Mr Winter and Mrs Carey

Our theme for Spring 2 is...



Our class novel for this half term is...


In our writing lessons, we will be learning to write newspaper reports based around our class novel, The London Eye Mystery. We will also be writing our own mystery stories. We will learn the structure, features, and conventions of each writing genre, as well as building up a varied and ambitious bank of new vocabulary to use in our writing.


In Shared Reading we will be reading and analysing a range of texts, working on our inference, summarising, and sequencing skills.


In Maths this half term we will be learning about fractions, decimals and percentages. We will also be recapping and practising skills we have learned throughout Autumn and during our period of home learning.

Wider Curriculum

Science - Forces and Motion

Geography - Local Fieldwork and Map Reading

Art - Pointillism

P.E. - Net and Wall games. 
We will not be changing into PE kits. Please ensure your child is wearing sensible shoes to school. Please can children not wear earrings on PE days.


If you would like to get in contact with me, the best way is to email the class account-

Thank you, Mr Winter and Mrs Carey

Maples Christmas Song!

Our topic for Autumn 2 is...


All Creatures Great and Small!


We will be reading 'When the Mountains Roared' by Jess Butterworth.


In Writing lessons we will be learning to write Non-Chronological Reports about animals using our class novel for inspiration.


We will also be writing a persuasive article about animal conservation.


In Shared Reading lessons we will be exploring a range of fiction and non-fiction texts and working on our vocabulary, inference and summarising skills.




This half term we will be learning to multiply a number up to four digits by two digits. We will also be learning how to divide a four digit number by one digit using a formal method, and how to calculate area and perimeter.


  We will be having a daily ‘Maths Blast’ session where we will be practising our fluency skills.


Wider Curriculum

Science- Life Cycles

History- The Anglo Saxon Invasion

Music- Percussion

PE- Gymnastics

Art - Geometric paintings in the style of SH Raza

RE - Hinduism and Worship




Reading- Three times a week and diaries will be checked on Fridays.

Spelling- Continued spelling colours and testing will be on-going.

Maths- One task on MyMaths per week



PE will be on Friday afternoon. We will also be having shorter PE sessions throughout the week. We will not be changing into PE kits. Please ensure your child is wearing appropriate shoes to school.



The best way for you to contact me at the moment would be to email the class account-

Thank you!

 Mr Winter and Mrs Carey

Our Topic for Autumn 1 is...

Adventure and Discovery!


We will be reading The Land of Roar! by Jenny McLachlan.




In Writing lessons we will be learning to write Adventure Stories using our class novel, The Land of Roar!, for inspiration. 


In Shared Reading lessons we will be exploring a range of fiction and non-fiction texts and working on our vocabulary, inference and summarising skills.




This half term we will be learning about place value in numbers up to 1 million, and will also learn how to use formal methods of addition and subtraction with increasingly large numbers.


  We will be having a daily ‘Maths Blast’ session where we will be practising our fluency skills.


Wider Curriculum

Science- Changes of Materials

History- The Mayan Civilisation

DT- Mayan Calendars

Music- Great Composers of film scores

PE- Invasion Games

RE - Music and Worship



Reading- Three times a week and diaries will be checked on Fridays.

Spelling- Continued spelling colours and testing will be on-going.

Maths- One task on MyMaths per week



PE will be on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. We will not be changing into PE kits. Please ensure your child is wearing appropriate shoes to school on these days.



The best way for you to contact me at the moment would be to email the class account-

Thank you!

 Mr Winter and Mrs Carey


Autumn 1 Class Newsletter
