We are Golden and we SPARKLE
This Week’s Home Learning 15.03.21 |
English |
Maths |
Wider Curriculum |
Writing: This week in English we are going to be developing skills for the next part of our story- the moment the volcano erupts. We will be using descriptive words to build a tense atmosphere. Head over to Purple Mash to complete the task.
Reading: Purple Mash comprehension- The sleeping volcano. |
This week we are going to be focusing on developing our arithmetic skills. Head over to My Maths and complete the task set.
TT Rock Stars: Don’t forget to practice your times tables everyday too- particularly the 6/7s/9s |
Science: This week in science we will be learning about incomplete and complete circuits. Have a look at the pictures of circuits provided on Purple Mash, and decide whether or not the bulb will light up.