
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

WC 15.03.21

This Week’s Home Learning




Wider Curriculum


This week in English we are going to be developing skills for the next part of our story- the moment the volcano erupts. We will be using descriptive words to build a tense atmosphere. Head over to Purple Mash to complete the task.



Purple Mash comprehension- The sleeping volcano.

This week we are going to be focusing on developing our arithmetic skills. Head over to My Maths and complete the task set.


TT Rock Stars:

Don’t forget to practice your times tables everyday too- particularly the 6/7s/9s


This week in science we will be learning about incomplete and complete circuits. Have a look at the pictures of circuits provided on Purple Mash, and decide whether or not the bulb will light up.





Volcanoes 101 | National Geographic

About 1,500 active volcanoes can be found around the world. Learn about the major types of volcanoes, the geological process behind eruptions, and where the ...
