
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Wider Curriculum Resources


This half term we are looking at textiles! To help with our DT, you need to first watch the video of UG being read below. Then, watch the DT Textiles video to find out about your task for this week!

UG boy genius of the stone age by Raymond Briggs

DT Textiles


Today you will be learning about the purpose of a skeleton! Watch the information video and follow along with the activities.

After, complete the Purpose of a Skeleton sheet below or the Purple Mash version. This is explained in the video.

Purpose of a Skeleton


This half term in RE we are learning about special places! Watch the video below about places special to you and then complete the sheet below.


This week in PE you will be learning and practising static shapes! Have a go at the ones in the sheet below.


In French this week you are learning how to say the names of 7 fruits! Watch the video below and have a go at the two tasks.



This week we are beginning to look at the introduction of Bronze to Britain – otherwise known as the beginning of the Bronze Age! Watch the video below to learn all about it and then create an information poster! You can do this on Purple Mash or on Paper.

History Introduction of Bronze
