We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Complete the ‘Practice: Multiplying Multiples of 10’ worksheet below. This is a recap of your learning last week. If you need support please go to last week’s maths learning and take a look at the support resources and video.
Today you are learning how to multiply 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number using the expanded column method.
Watch the video ‘Multiplying 2 digit numbers: expanded method’ and complete the practice questions at the end of the video. Make sure you email to let me know how you did.
Today you are going to practice the new learning you learnt yesterday. Complete the ‘Multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit: expanded method’ task on Purple Mash.
If you need support or a reminder – watch yesterday’s Multiplying 2 digit numbers: expanded column method video.
Today you are learning how to multiply 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number using the short column method.
Watch the video ‘Multiplying 2 digit numbers: short column’ and complete the practice questions at the end of the video. Make sure you email to let me know how you did.
Today you will be practicing the new learning you learnt yesterday. Complete the ‘Multiplying 2 digit numbers: short column’ task on Purple Mash.
If you need support or a reminder – watch yesterday’s Multiplying 2 digit numbers: short column video.