
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Week beginning 29.3.21


This week in maths we are learning to subtract fractions with the same denominator, and denominators that are multiples of the same number. Please complete the lesson "adding and subtracting fractions" on My Maths.


This week in class we will be writing up our final versions of Road's End. I would like you to write the story in first person, from the point of view of the driver of the car. 


Think about:


  • How you would describe the man and the crash site
  • Describing the conversation in the car
  • Ending on a cliffhanger


I have included the video of Road's End below.

Road's End


This week we are continuing to learn about how geographers use field work to gather data and information.


Please complete the Oak National lesson "Tools of fieldwork - Surveys and questionnaires". There is a link to this below.
