We are Golden and we SPARKLE
English- Diary entry on Purple Mash
Maths- Decimals activity on MyMaths
Wider Curriculum- Art - fossil sketching
Imagine you are the boy from the titanium video. Write a diary entry including your thoughts and feelings the day after the incident.
Practise the shading techniques we have learned in class to draw a fossil.
English |
Maths |
Wider Curriculum |
Newspaper report on Purple Mash
Rounding decimals on MyMaths
Science- Fossils reading comprehension
On the Purple Mash format write a newspaper report about the incident that happened at the school. You might want to re-watch the video to help you. Remember to include the 5Ws and quotes from witnesses.
Wider Curriculum- Science
English |
Maths |
Wider Curriculum |
Setting description with a focus on figurative language- Purple Mash
Finding fractions of amounts- My Maths
Volcano information leaflet- Purple Mash
Maths- MyMaths- Fractions of Amounts
English- Setting description of Titanium
On the Purple Mash format write a setting description of the scene in the picture below. Try to use some figurative language- similes, metaphors, alliteration, personification.
You can find the full music video on YouTube but you only need to watch the first 32 seconds. Remember to check with a grown up that you are allowed to go on YouTube first.
Wider Curriculum- Volcano information leaflet on Purple Mash.
Use the websites below to find interesting facts about volcanoes