We are Golden and we SPARKLE
This Week’s Home Education 22.03.21 |
English |
Maths |
Wider curriculum |
Writing This week in English, we are going to be planning and writing our tension story based on our class novel “Escape from Pompeii”.
Head over to Purple Mash and use the template to plan and draft your version of the tension-filled story. Remember to include all of the techniques we have been looking at.
Reading Head over to Purple Mash and read Chapter 1 of “An Invasion of Navvies” and answer the online questions. |
This week in Maths we are going to be practicing rounding to 10 and 100. Head over to My Maths and complete “Rounding to 10, 100”.
TTRS Don’t forget to practice your times tables everyday too- particularly the 6/7s/9s |
Science This week we are going to be exploring and investigating electrical conductors and insulators. Use the link below and watch the videos to find out more about these. Once you have done this, head over to Purple Mash and complete the task set. |