
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE


English 11.1.21


Here you will find a daily breakdown of each English activity, and the resources for each.


These activities can be completed on the worksheets, on plain paper, or on the writing templates in Purple Mash which can be found in the 'to do' lists.


Please get in touch via the class email address if you have any questions of need support.


Orion Lost - Prologue for Monday

Orion Lost Chapter 1 for Wednesday

Orion Lost Chapter 2 for Thursday

Orion Lost Chapter 3 for Thursday



Read the prologue to our class novel Orion Lost. You can also listen to Mr Winter read this!

Then complete the big ideas sheet, adding in the evidence that you have found to support the big idea: 


'The ship is damaged and the crew are in trouble!'


 Make sure you look at Mr Winter's video!


Read the information text on Space Tourism and answer the retrieval questions. This can be on the worksheet, or on paper.


You can also use the template on Purple Mash if you would prefer - you will find this on the to do list.


Read the first chapter of Orion lost (you can listen as you read!).

How might Beth be feeling as she begins her journey to a new planet? Write your ideas about her hopes and fears.


Read chapters 2 and 3 of Orion lost, and complete the character map for Beth. What have we learned about her?




Read through the PowerPoint on using apostrophes, and then correct the mistakes on the worksheet.
