We are Golden and we SPARKLE
This week in English we’re going to begin developing skills that we can use to help us write our tension-filled stories. On Friday, we’ll be producing our own opening of the story, setting the scene, and helping our readers learn about what life was like in Pompeii that very day. Remember, the story begins with a joyful atmosphere. The sun is shining, people are having fun, and they are completely oblivious to the danger that lurks. This is what we need to get across in our writing this week.
Today we’re going to be thinking about setting the scene. When Tranio wakes up, what does he see from his window? We’re going to be gathering descriptive language, and using prepositional phrases to help us write detailed sentences to describe the setting. Begin by watching the video, which can be accessed via the video resource centre. When you have done this, head over to Purple Mash, and complete the task labelled, ‘Monday 1st English.’
Today we’re going to continue to work towards the opening of our story, by thinking about what the other people in Pompeii were doing in the opening. We’ll be thinking about powerful verbs and how we can use these to create sentence openers. Begin by watching the video, which can be accessed via the video resource centre. When you have done this, head over to Purple Mash, and complete the task labelled, ‘Tuesday 2nd English.’
Today we’re going to be building cohesion in our writing. This means, we’re going to think about how we can make our writing flow and link the different events of our story. We’re going to do this by gathering adverbials of time and using them to write sentences. Begin by watching the video, which can be accessed via the video resource centre. When you have done this, head over to Purple Mash, and complete the task labelled, ‘Wednesday 3rd English.’
World Book Day- see star for more detailsFriday:
Today we’re going to be using all of the skills that we’ve learnt this week to write the opening of our story. Remember, we want to build a joyful and warming atmosphere. The sun is shining, people are having fun, and they are completely oblivious to the danger that lurks. This is what we need to get across in our writing today. Begin by watching the video, which can be accessed via the video resource centre. When you have done this, head over to Purple Mash, and complete the task labelled, ‘Friday 5th English.’