We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Watch the information videos about Hunter-Gatherers in the resource star.
Create a timetable for a day in the life of a Hunter Gatherer. You can do this on paper or Purple Mash!
There is an example of what your timetable could look like below.
Watch the videos which explain what the sun is, and the light that the sun gives us.
After watching the video, can you pack a bag that would keep you safe in the sun?
Or, alternatively, draw the bag and its contents.
Continuing our focus on gymnastics, this week we are developing our flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance by learning how to accurately lunge into a handstand. Look at the resources to help you.
This week we are learning how to say which pets we have using the 'I have' phrase - J'ai
Watch the video created about the seasonality of products. Find the seasonality chart attached in the resources and draw a dinner plate with some fruits and vegetables which are in season now.