We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Hello Outstanding Oaks. Each Friday I will update this section with things that you should complete, most of which will be online. Remember you can chunk up your day however you would like to, but it's important to build in learning time each day.
Here are some top tips for learning at home:
-Find a space to work in that will help you concentrate.
-Take regular breaks
-Chunk up your learning e.g. maths for 30- 40 minutes, free time, then English for 30-40 minutes.
-Most importantly, try your very best =)
Home Learning
Well done Outstanding Oaks for reaching the final week of home learning. This week I have given you a selection of tasks that you can choose to complete. For example, you could create a time capsule filled with your work and memories from your time in lock-down; you could complete your own school report on Purple Mash, and a few others to choose from. Have a look at the sheet below to guide you.
WC 13.07.20
Well done Outstanding Oaks for persevering with the home learning. This is our final English and Maths week as we have some fun tasks planned for the final week of term. For your English this week, you are going to create a non-chronological report all about an imaginary creature that has been found in the rainforest (see the pictures below for some inspiration). What does your creature look like? What does it eat? What's its habitat like? How does it protect itself? Follow the daily tasks in your booklet below. For Maths this week, please complete the My Maths revision tasks on the four operations. Don't forget to head over to our wider curriculum page to see our fun learning adventures this week.
WC 06.07.20
This week in English we'll be revising our learning on persuasive writing. You will be using your wider curriculum knowledge all about deforestation to help you create a poster to persuade people not to destroy the rainforest. Follow the daily tasks in the booklet. For maths this week, we will be continuing our learning with fractions. All of your learning for maths can be found on 'My Maths.' Remember to do the lesson first, and use the posters below to help you.
Don't forget to head over to the wider curriculum page to see this week's exciting project.
WC 29.06.20
This week in English we are going to be using our wider curriculum project all about rainforest creatures, to write our own poems. Each day, you will build up new skills to help you write your final poem on Thursday. We will be focusing on language this week: similes, adverbs and verbs. Follow each day in your booklet.
For maths this week, we are going to be continuing our learning on fractions by looking at how to find fractions of amounts. All of your maths tasks can be found on 'My Maths'. Please complete the tasks in order as they become more challenging as the week goes on, and remember to complete the lesson first as this will help. I have attached a video and some posters to help you with this task. Don't forget to head over to our wider curriculum page to see this week's fun project.
WC 22.06.20
For maths this week, we're going to be beginning our unit on fractions and your tasks for this week will be in the form of a booklet (see below). We are going to be exploring and understanding what a fraction is and will have go at representing different fractions. Don't worry if you don't have a printer, as you can complete the tasks on paper. On Monday, Please watch the 'White Rose Vimeo' video below first to help you with the task. I have also added another fractions video that you can refer to for the rest of the week. For English this week, I have set a series of grammar games on Purple Mash and reading comprehension. Follow the outline to help you locate each day's activity. I have also added some BBC links below to help you with the grammar tasks. Remember to head over to the wider curriculum page to see our new adventures this week.
WC 15.06.20
A big well done for the fantastic engagement with learning I have seen this week . I was so impressed. For English this week, you're going to use your comprehension skills to find out what life is like for some people living in rainforests. By the end of the week, you will write your own letter detailing what your life is like here in England. Maths this week can be found on My maths, Purple Mash and a practical fun investigation for Thursday. Follow the outline for each day to find out your daily task. As usual, don't forget to head over to the wider curriculum page to find out about the exciting projects set this week.
WC 08.06.20
For English this week, we are going to continue with our rainforest topic. imagine that you are an explorer who has found themselves in the amazing Amazon Rainforest. What did you see along the forest floor? What sounds did you hear as you looked up to the canopy? Work your way through the different daily activities in your booklet as you build up to a short descriptive paragraph on Thursday. In maths this week, you are going to be exploring angles. You will start the week by creating your own maths dictionary (as explained on the home learning outline). You will then use this, alongside the lessons on My Maths, to complete the 2 lessons, and finally on Thursday you will complete an investigation at home. Remember to head over to our wider curriculum page to see our exciting adventures this week.
WC 01.06.20
I hope you all had a lovely half-term break and got to enjoy the outdoors and glorious sunshine. This week in maths, we're going to be focusing on place value revision: counting and continuing different sequencing, rounding and solving rounding problems. All of your maths For Monday- Thursday an be found on 'My Maths.' Please remember to save your work once completed. When you have completed this, you can complete your daily x table booklet and TT rockstars. For English this week, we're going to be developing our reading comprehension skills as we dive into an extract, 'The Explorers' by Katherine Rundell. Follow each page of the booklet. Don't forget to head over to our wider curriculum page too to see this week's exciting new topic.
WC 25.05.20 "Happy half-term"
There will be no English and Maths set this week due to it being half-term. Instead, please enjoy time with your family and have a much needed rest. If you would like to, you can have a go at the half-term bingo challenge on our home page. See the 'Fun things to do' page for the resources you could use. Have a lovely break. New learning will be uploaded in time for 1st June 2020.
WC 18.05.20
For English this week, we are going to be learning about homophones. Homophones are words that sound the same, but are spelt differently and have different meanings e.g. there, their, they're. Each day you will have a task to complete, which can be found in the English booklet below. On Thursday you will be creating your own homophone dictionary using what you have discovered throughout the week. Have a look at my video below, to see an example of what that could look like. As usual, on Friday, please complete the online purple mash comprehension. For maths this week, we're going to be revisiting our timestables. All of your tasks can be found on My maths. When you have completed each day, please do the CPA grid extension, which you can find below (each grid is labelled with the day). Again, please watch my video to help remind you how we complete these. Remember to head over to our wider curriculum page too :).
WC 11.05.20
For English this week, you are going to write your own diary entry based imagining that you visited the famous Brazilian landmark Christ the Redeemer. Thinking about the sights that can be seen from the very top, you're going to build up different skills throughout the week to help you using the booklet. Below, you will see a link to help you visualise and imagine what it would be like. I have also created for you 2 videos below which will help with Wednesday and Thursday's task. On Friday, please complete the purple mash comprehensions I have set. For Maths this week, please complete the My Maths set. Remember to do the task that is stated on each day of the home learning outline. As usual, don't forget to head over to our wider curriculum page to see our new project.
Week beginning 04.05.20
This week's daily English and Maths task is listed on the home learning outline on the class page and below. For English, drawing upon our South American topic, the children will be working towards a carnival-themed poem, developing skills, words and sentences each day to help them create the final piece on Thursday. Below you will find the booklet for the week that outlines each day. Please ensure the children only complete one day at a time. On Friday, the English task is to complete the online comprehension tasks I have set on purple mash. The daily maths tasks can be found on My maths, and again, the home learning outline directs you to which task to do each day. Please check your emails for more support with My Maths. On Friday the children should complete the x table booklet below, and TT rockstars.
Please head over to the wider curriculum page to see this week's creative project.
Week beginning 27.04.20
Hello Outstanding Oaks. I hope you've had a good week. Missing you all lots and lots. Please find below, an outline of this week's learning tasks. Following the same format, you have a daily maths task which will be electronic or paper based- please remember to only complete 1 a day. If you are looking for additional maths each day, you can use TT Rockstars or follow the additional learning links. For English, you can find the resources below: Pobble 365 and spelling and handwriting- again 1 task each day :). Please head over to our wider curriculum page to see a geography project for you this week.
Week beginning 20.04.20
Hello Outstanding Oaks, I hope you have had a good Easter break. Please find below, the outline for this week's learning as well as the resources that you may need. For maths, I have set 5 tasks as listed on the page, one for each day. Some of these are online tasks and some are paper tasks. For English, please find the resources below- again, one for each day, alongside some spelling, and an online comprehension. Each task should take more than 20-30 minutes. Try your best, and just do what you can. If you have any questions please send me an email :). Please head over to our 'wider curriculum' page to see the PE challenges, science and DT I've set this week.
Week beginning 06.04.20 Easter Break
There will be no formal English and Maths work set over the Easter break to enable children to rest, try new creative tasks and engage with the fun Easter activities which you can find on our 'additional learning' page. If your child does however want to continue to access Maths and English tasks during this break, please head over to their Purple Mash or My maths page for outstanding optional tasks. New learning suggestions will be added to this page on Friday 14th April 2020 for the following week. Stay safe and have a great Easter Break.
Week beginning 30.03.20
Please continue to complete your daily English and Maths in you learning pack. When you have completed these, click on the document below to see suggestions for learning ideas. Remember to send pictures of the brilliant things that you produce to Oaks@gladehill.nottingham.sch.uk