We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Welcome to...
Our theme for the Spring term is …
Peace and Conflict
During Spring 2 we will be reading…
In Writing lessons we will be learning to write a film narrative and a report based on the music video Titanium. We will be learning about the features of these text type and improving our sentence structures, grammar and use of vocabulary. In Shared Reading lessons we will be exploring a range of fiction and non-fiction texts and working on a range of reading skills including vocabulary work and inference.
This half term we will be learning about fractions, decimals, shape and measure. We will continue to have a daily ‘Maths Blast’ session where we will be practising our fluency skills and recapping previous learning
Wider Curriculum
Science- Evolution and Inheritance
Geography- Extreme Earth
Art- Drawing focus
PE will be on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. We will not be changing into PE kits. Please ensure your child is wearing sensible shoes to school. Please can children not wear earrings on PE days.
The best way for you to contact me at the moment would be to email the class account- cedars@gladehill.nottingham.sch.uk.
Thank you, Miss Marshall and Mrs Ozkaya
Our theme for the Autumn term is …
Friendship and Courage
During Autumn 2 we will be reading…
Kensuke's Kingdom
and our topic will be...
In Writing lessons we will be learning to write adventure stories, discussion texts and newspaper reports- using Kensuke's Kingdom as a stimulus. We will be learning about the features of these text type and improving our sentence structures, grammar and use of vocabulary.
In Shared Reading lessons we will be exploring a range of fiction and non-fiction texts and working on our vocabulary, inference and summarising skills.
This half term we will be learning about multiplication and division and fractions. We will continue to have a daily ‘Maths Blast’ session where we will be practising our fluency skills and recapping previous learning
Wider Curriculum
Science- Blood and Transportation
Geography- Our Changing World
Art- Hokusai Painting and Collage
Music- Great Composers of film scores
PE- Invasion Games
Reading- Three times a week and diaries will be checked on Fridays.
Spelling- Continued spelling colours and testing will be on-going.
Maths- One task on MyMaths per week
PE will be on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. We will not be changing into PE kits. Please ensure your child is wearing sensible shoes to school. Please can children not wear earrings on PE days.
Our theme for the Autumn term is …
Friendship and Courage
During Autumn 1 we will be reading…
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.
In Writing lessons we will be learning to write Fantasy Stories using Harry Potter as a stimulus. We will be learning about the features of this text type and improving our sentence structures, grammar and use of vocabulary.
In Shared Reading lessons we will be exploring a range of fiction and non-fiction texts and working on our vocabulary, inference and summarising skills.
This half term we will be learning about place value in numbers up to 10 million. We will also be recapping the content of this unit from Years 4 and 5 to ensure the children do not have any gaps in learning. We will be having a daily ‘Maths Blast’ session where we will be practising our fluency skills.
Wider Curriculum
Science- Light
History- Kings and Queens
DT- Designing and making joke sweets
Music- Great Composers of film scores
PE- Invasion Games
Reading- Three times a week and diaries will be checked on Fridays.
Spelling- Continued spelling colours and testing will be on-going.
Maths- One task on MyMaths per week
PE will be on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. We will not be changing into PE kits. Please ensure your child is wearing sensible shoes to school. Please can children not wear earrings on PE days.
The best way for you to contact me at the moment would be to email the class account- cedars@gladehill.nottingham.sch.uk.
Thank you, Miss Marshall and Mrs Ozkaya J