
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

The Learning Environment

We aim to create an engaging, welcoming and stimulating learning environment which will encourage children to explore, investigate and learn through first-hand experience. 

The EYFS unit is split into ‘zones’ with workshop areas planned to promote learning and development of skills. The Blue and Yellow zones contain activities planned to meet the needs of children who are 3-4 years old, or those who are working below their age-related developmental level in some areas. The Green and Red zones are our Reception class zones and have provision designed for pupils who are 4-5 years old.  During the Summer Term, levels of learning challenge increase to prepare pupils for working beyond the Early Learning Goal and at National Curriculum level.  Staff support children to participate in activities appropriate for their developmental stage.


There are also two dedicated outdoor learning spaces.  Staff are organised to support the children in a balance of adult-led and child-initiated experiences throughout the day.  All sessions include free-flow access to the outdoor area.  Practitioners are aware of the need to be flexible, in order to respond to unplanned things that the children are interested in.


Resources are clearly labelled and organised within the workshop areas, enabling the children to access them with a high level of independence.  Practitioners regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the learning zones and make adaptations as necessary.

Children and staff refer to the EYFS unit as our ‘Learning Environment’ children are encouraged to talk about what and how they are learning, rather than what they are doing.
