We are Golden and we SPARKLE
The Oak Academy
There is now a Government-backed online platform called 'The Oak Academy' which provides video lessons for children from Reception (F2) to Year 10. You can find lessons for Reception children at
https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/reception/#schedule Although they are aimed at children in Reception, you may find them useful for Nursery children too.
Daily Phonic Lessons
There are now daily phonic lessons available for F2 pupils at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw The lessons are presented by teachers and celebrities and follows the same Phonics Programme 'Letters and Sounds' that we use in school.
Tiny Happy People
There are some great activity suggestions and useful videos to help develop your child's communication skills at home. Follow the link https://www.bbc.co.uk/tiny-happy-people
The DFE have written some guidance for parents for helping pre-school children learn at home. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/help-children-aged-2-to-4-to-learn-at-home-during-coronavirus-covid-19
You can find some great support at the 'Family Zone' of the National Literacy Trust website. https://literacytrust.org.uk/family-zone/
PE with Joe Wicks
'The Body Coach' is teaching a PE session designed for children and families to complete in their house with no equipment. It's great fun and has had us huffing and puffing this week! It's live on You Tube at 9am every morning.
Dough Disco and Wiggle while you Squiggle
These activities are great for developing fine motor and early writing skills. They were developed by an EYFS Teacher called Shonette Bason-Wood and are loved by teachers everywhere! Shonette is teaching a daily dough disco session on her 'Spread the Happiness TV' channel on You Tube. All you need is playdough/ plasticine and some music! There is a video for making home made play dough below...
Mrs Gadsby and Zebby the Zebra have also recorded a video for 'Dough Disco' and it is lots of fun!
Remember you can access your child's Learning Journey via the Tapestry app. You can add your own observations of their learning at home too. If you are unsure of your log-in details please emails acorns@gladehill.nottingham.sch.uk. There's a link to useful of how to use the app below.
During the last week of school, we were stressing the importance of washing hands to beat the germs. We used the following song, which the children really enjoyed.
Also we like to use Phonics Play and you can now access this at home with these details:
Username: march20
Password: home
Twinkl is a great website that teachers use for activities which you can now access at home for free:
Julia Donaldson Thursdays!
Julia Donaldson will be reading a story, a poem or creatively re-telling one of her own stories on the 'Gruffalo' Facebook page Every Thursday. Enjoy! https://www.facebook.com/OfficialGruffalo/videos/3134033283326152/
We will continue to add online learning activities as we find them. Please let us know if you find any too!