We are Golden and we SPARKLE
One World
Our theme this term is ‘One World’ and we will be exploring the world around by focusing on fair trade. As geographers, we will learn about human geography considering where our food comes from. We will learn about importing, exporting and trad, focusing on the role the UK plays.
We are readers and writers
In English this half-term we will be studying the book ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class.’ This is a fantastic book that explores the challenges faced by refugees.
After delving into the story, and exploring it through drama, we are going to spend some time constructing super sentences, identifying effective vocabulary and developing our knowledge of persuasive writing. We will also use the emotive language gathered to write our own poems and diaries. In reading we will be retrieving, inferring information and learning about new vocabulary. We will also be identifying how characters feel by looking for their actions.
We are mathematicians
In maths, we will be learning about multiplication, focusing on the rapid recall of them and how to identify patterns to support our understanding. You can help your children improve by Tackling tables and encouraging them to play online at home! If you need your child’s details, please come and speak to me as this is a great mathematical resource.
We are scientists
In science, we will be learning about living thing. We will recap our prior learning considering things that are alive, dead or never alive. We will recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways. They will explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment. Finally, we will recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things.
We are artists
As artists we will be replicating the work of Abbi Dimond, learning and developing our painting skills. We will work towards producing our own nature-inspired painting.
We are philosophers
As philosophers, we will be learning about respecting and valuing our identities as well as considering the importance of celebrating our differences and similarities. We will also reflect on the communities that we belong to.
We are athletes
This term the children we will be swimming on a Tuesday. Please see the separate letter for more information. Their second PE session will focus on developing the skills of counterbalance, and balance to agility. Please remember your PE Kit: plain dark bottoms and a white top.