
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Home Education - Spring 1 Lockdown

                            HOME EDUCATION - W.C. 1.03.21



Wider Curriculum


Comparing the book setting (Kenya) with where we live. 


Watch Miss Brooker reading Lila and the Secret of the Rain again.


Read through the PDF named Monday 1.03.21


Log into PurpleMash and complete the task named Eng Monday 1.03.21 or complete the paper copy.



Missing Shape Patterns

Go through the PowerPoint pdf named Monday – 01.03.21


Have a go at all 3 levels on the TopMarks – Shape Patterns game -


Home Learning Packs:

Complete the worksheet named Monday – 01.03.21



We Are Researchers

Using your devices at home complete some independent research to find out 5 things about what life is like for people living in Kenya.


Add any interesting facts you learn to your venn diagram you created in English.

Who or what is God to you?

Read through the PowerPoint pdf named RE W.C 1.03.21 and complete the activity.


Character Description: Planning

Log into PurpleMash and complete the task named Eng Tuesday 2.03.21 or complete the paper copy.



Repeating Patterns

Log into MyMaths, go through the online lesson on 'Patterns and Sequences’ and complete the set homework task.


Home Learning Packs:

Complete the worksheet named Tuesday – 02.03.21



Kenyan People

Read through the PowerPoint pdf named Geography – Facts about Kenyan People.


Create a poster all about Kenyan people, using all the information you’ve learnt so far. Be as creative as you’d like and send us pictures!


Character Description: Writing

Watch the YouTube video named Miss Brooker – Wednesday 3.03.21.


Log into PurpleMash and complete the task named Eng Wednesday 3.03.21 or complete the paper copy.



Describing Patterns

Go through the PowerPoint pdf named Wednesday – 03.03.21


The answers have been provided.



Minibeast Scavenger Hunt

Read through the PowerPoint PDF named Science W.C. 1.03.21.


Then, it’s time to get outside with your wellies on and go on a minibeast hunt! Which minibeasts will you find in different microhabitats?


Find the resource for the hunt on PurpleMash named Science W.C. 1.03.21 or the paper copy.


W O R L D   B O O K  D A Y !

Theme: “Bringing a Book to Life”
You will find the exciting timetable for today on the world book day subpage on this week’s English section. It would be great if you could complete an activity from each column throughout the day. These activities are the same throughout the school so if you have any siblings in the school you can complete them together.


Complete one of the creative challenges listed on the overview and send your creation to your class teacher. More information on the competition is available on the subpage.


We cannot wait to see pictures of you all dressed up as your favourite book character! 😊



CGP Text Book - Page 4 &5

Complete the reading comprehension questions about the “The Owl and Pussy-Cat” and “Seasons” in your CGP books.



Position and Turning

Go through the PowerPoint pdf named Friday 5.03.21.


Log into PurpleMash and complete the task named Maths Friday 5.03.21 or complete the paper copy.



PSHE and Well-Being

Home Baking – Making Mandazi!

Use the Mandazi recipe in the resource folder and unwind whilst you make this African speciality.


Don’t forget to send us pictures of your yummy Mandazi!



Watch PE with Mr Strachan and play tick-tack-throw.  


HOME EDUCATION - W.C. 22.02.21



Wider Curriculum


Lila and the Secret of Rain: Debate

Watch the video called Miss Brooker reads Lila and the Secret of Rain.


Your task is to debate: do children think water is just as precious in England?


Read through the PDF named Monday 22.02.21 for more information.


Properties of 3D Shapes

Go through the PowerPoint pdf named Monday – 22.02.21


Watch the Oak National Academy video on 3D shapes.


Log into PurpleMash and complete the set task named Maths – Monday 22.02.21



Locating Africa

Go through the PowerPoint pdf to find out about the 7 continents of the world.


Log into PurpleMash and complete the task named Geography 22.02.21 to locate the continents of the world.


Collecting Topic Vocabulary

Read through the PDF named Tuesday 23.02.21.


Copy the template within the PDF and collect words to describe Kenyan weather and our weather.



Properties of 3D Shapes

Log into MyMaths and complete the set homework task on named 3D Shapes. 


Home Learning Packs:

Complete the worksheet named Tuesday – 23.02.21




Watch the video all about maps:


Make a map of your garden, local park or outside area.


How many different plants and animals can you identify which would use these areas as their habitats?


Making Inferences About a Character’s Feelings

Go through the PDF named Wednesday 24.02.21.


Log into PurpleMash and complete the task named Eng Wednesday 24.02.21 or complete the paper copy attached to the PDF.


Forming 3D Shapes

Go through the PowerPoint pdf named Wednesday – 24.02.21


Watch the video of Mrs Gohil, showing you how you can form 3D shapes at home!


Make your own 3D shapes using the nets provided.

Don’t forget to email us pictures of your shapes!


Weekly Creative Project

Home Baking – Making Chapatis!


Use the chapatis recipe in the resource folder to have a go at making this type of bread!


Don’t forget to send us pictures of your yummy chapatis!


CGP Text Book - Page 3

Bring your pencil ready for our zoom call at 11:00am and we will complete the reading comprehension questions about “Making Lemonade” together.


Recognising 2D Shapes within 3D Shapes

Go through the PowerPoint pdf named Thursday – 25.02.21


Log into PurpleMash and complete the set task named Maths Thursday – 25.02.21



What does God look like?

Think about what God looks like to you.


Using Apostrophes to Mark Singular Possession  

Read the image that explains how to use apostrophes to mark possession.


Log into PurpleMash and complete the task named Friday 26.02.21 or complete the paper copy.



2D and 3D Shapes

Log into MyMaths, go through the online lesson on 2D and 3D shapes and complete the set homework task.


Home Learning Packs:

Complete the worksheet named Friday – 26.02.21


PSHE and Well-Being

Express Yourself

For the month of February, we will be completing the ‘Express Yourself’ calendar.


Have a look and answer the questions for days 22-26





Wider Curriculum


Writing the middle of our fantasy story: Planning

Watch the video named Miss Brooker – Monday 8.02.21.


Complete the task outlined in the PowerPoint pdf named Monday 8.02.21.




Properties of 2D Shapes

Go through the PowerPoint pdf named Monday – 08.02.21


Log into PurpleMash and complete the set task named Maths: Monday 08.02.21


Weekly Creative Project

Make a Super Vehicle!!

Have a go at making your own superhero vehicle using your plan from a couple of weeks ago.

Have fun and be sure to send Miss Brooker and Mrs Gohil all your amazing photographs 😊


Writing the middle of our fantasy story

Read the PowerPoint PDF named Tuesday 9.02.21.


Log into PurpleMash (task named Eng Tuesday 9.02.21) and write the middle of your story. Complete on the line guides/paper if you would prefer to handwrite.


Lines of Symmetry

Go through the PowerPoint pdf named Tuesday – 09.02.21



Cola Super Fountain Experiment!

Make sure you complete this super exciting experiment with an adult.


Read the instructions and log into PurpleMash and complete the set task named Science: 9.02.21. You will complete parts of the task before, during and after the experiment.

PSHE and Well-Being

Safer Internet Day

Read the document named “Safer Internet Day 9.02.21”.

Login into PurpleMash and use the template named “Safer Internet Day Task” to create a fake news article or complete on the paper copy.



Writing the end of our fantasy story


Watch the video named Miss Brooker – 10.02.21.


Read the PowerPoint PDF named Wednesday 10.02.21.


Log into PurpleMash (task named Eng Wednesday 10.02.21) and write the ending of your story. Complete on the line guides/paper if you would prefer to handwrite.


Lines of Symmetry

Log into MyMaths, go through the online lesson on symmetry and complete the set homework task.


Home Learning Packs:

Complete the worksheet named Wednesday – 10.02.21



Improvements to our local area


You need to consider how you would like to make Nottingham a better city. Then, make a poster for a superhero to come and help us improve Nottingham. Look at the image with the title “Geography” for some ideas we thought of!


CGP Text Book - Page 2

Bring your pencil ready for our zoom call at 11:00am and we will complete the reading comprehension questions about “How to Grow a Seed” together.


Vocabulary – Turning 2D Shapes

Go through the PowerPoint pdf named Thursday – 11.02.12


Log into PurpleMash and complete the set task named ‘Turns’



Listen to the story about friendship and togetherness called Chik Chak Shabbat.


Reading Comprehension

Log into PurpleMash or read the paper copies:

Read Chapter 2 of Zara and The Lost Cat.


Complete Chapter 2: Quiz. Write full sentences to answer the questions.


Complete the 2Do / task named Chapter 2: Complete the Sentence



Turning 2D Shapes

Log into MyMaths, go through the online lesson on position and turns and complete the set homework task.


Home Learning Packs:

Complete the worksheet named Friday – 12.02.21


PSHE and Well-Being

For the month of February, we will be completing the ‘Express Yourself’ calendar.


Have a look and answer the questions for days 8-14



Watch PE with Mr Strachan: Golf.






Wider Curriculum


Editing Simple Sentences

Log into PurpleMash and complete the task called Eng Monday 01.02.21 or complete the paper copy.



Odd and Even Numbers

Go through the PowerPoint PDF named Monday – 01.02.21


Log into PurpleMash and complete the task named Monday 01.02.21



Use the Powerpoint PDF to learn all about schools in the past!


Log into PurpleMash and complete the set task named History – 01.021.21


Creating a story mountain: Toys in Space

Read the PDF named Tuesday 02.02.21, use the questions I ask to help you with today’s task.


Log into PurpleMash and complete the task called Eng Tuesday 02.02.21 or complete the paper copy.



Go through the PowerPoint PDF named Tuesday – 02.02.21


Log into MyMaths, go through the online lesson and complete the set homework task.




Use the Powerpoint PDF to learn all about a healthy diet.


Design your own healthy breakfast, lunch or dinner on a paper plate or draw it out on a piece of paper!


Don’t forget to email us your healthy food plates!


Writing the beginning of our story: Planning

Watch the video named Miss Brooker – Wednesday 3.02.21.


Complete the task outlined in the PowerPoint pdf named Wednesday 3.02.21.


Tables and Tally Charts

Watch video named Tables and Tally Charts by Mrs Gohil - Wednesday 03.02.21


Go through the PowerPoint PDF named Wednesday – 03.02.21


Log into PurpleMash and complete the task named 2Do: Tally & Data Tables



Weekly Creative Project

Create a timeline of all the memorable events in your life so far!


Don’t forget to email us pictures of your timelines!


Continued: Writing the beginning of our story

Watch the video named Miss Brooker – Thursday 4.02.21.  


Log into PurpleMash (task named Eng Thursday 4.02.21) and write the beginning of your story. Complete on the line guides/paper if you would prefer to handwrite.


Reading Graphs

Go through the PowerPoint PDF named Thursday – 04.02.21


Log into PurpleMash and complete the task named Thursday – 04.02.21



This week, learn about how the Jewish celebrate Shabbat at the Synagogue, their special place of worship.


Watch the video.


Label the items used during this celebration correctly.


Reading Comprehension

Log into PurpleMash or read the paper copies:

Read Chapter 1 of Zara and The Lost Cat.


Complete Chapter 1: Quiz. Write full sentences to answer the questions.


Complete Chapter 1: Joining Words.


Block Graphs

Go through the PowerPoint PDF named Friday – 05.02.21


Log into MyMaths and complete the set homework task.


Home Learning Packs: Answer the questions on the PowerPoint.



PSHE and Well-Being

For the month of February, we will be completing the ‘Express Yourself’ calendar.


Have a look at the calendar and answer the questions for days 1-5






(Lesson 1) 


(Lesson 2) 

Wider Curriculum 

(Lesson 3)  


Inference: Analysing the Front Cover of Toys in Space 


Go through the PowerPoint named Monday 25.01.21.  


Log into PurpleMash and complete the set task named English - 25.01.21 or complete the paper copy.   


Multiplication and Division Fact Families  

Watch the video  


Go through the PowerPoint named Monday – 25.01.21 


Weekly Creative Project 

Can you use different materials in your home to design and create a superhero cape for a toy at home?  


You could use foil, cloth, paper, wool. 


Don’t forget to email us your creations! 


Superhero vehicles - Planning 

Watch Mrs Rowe’s video “Superhero vehicles – planning” where she will explain your exciting superhero task.  


Complete the task named D.T. Task.  


Prediction: Toys in Space by Mini Grey 


Read the task set. 


Read up to page 14 of Toys in Space by Mini Grey.  


Log into PurpleMash and complete the set task named Tuesday 26.01.21 or complete the paper copy. 


Multiplication and Division Fact Families  

Go through the PowerPoint named Tuesday – 26.01.21 


Log into PurpleMash and complete the task set named Tuesday – 26.01.21 



Investigation: How does exercise effect our heart rate?  

Read through the PowerPoint named  

Science - W.C. 25.01.21


Investigate to see what impact different exercises will have on our resting heart rate. Complete the task on PurpleMash named Science W.C. 25.01.21 or complete the paper copy whilst investigating. 



Ordering the Story: Toys in Space by Mini Grey  


Watch or read the story Toys in Space at least twice. Feel free to make some actions to help you remember the story like we do in class – I would love to see some of these!  


Read the document named Wednesday – 27.01.21. Use the pictures to help you create storyboard which retells the story in order.  


Solving Division Word Problems 

Go through the PowerPoint named Wednesday – 27.01.21 



To locate Nottingham on the map of England  

Read over the PowerPoint named Geography – W.C 25.01.21.  

Log into PurpleMash and complete the set task named Task Geography W.C. 25.01 or complete the paper copy. 



Character Description  

Watch the video called Miss Brooker modelling a character description.  


The video will help you complete the task named Thursday 28.01.21.  


Solving Division Word Problems 

Go through the PowerPoint named Thursday – 28.01.21 


Log into PurpleMash and complete the task set named Thursday – 28.01.21 



How does the Jewish Family compare to yours?  

Read the document named RE - W.C. 25.01.21 and answer the questions.  


Watch this video to help you - 



Spelling – adding ly 

Read through the ppt named Friday 29.01.21. 


Complete the activity named Task Friday 29.01.21. You can present this work differently, just use the worksheet as a template. 


Division Consolidation 

Log into MyMaths and complete the set task named Y2 – Dividing 


Home Learning Packs – complete the worksheet 


PSHE and Well-being  


Refocusing activity: 5, 4, 3,2,1  

When you call find yourselves needing a moment to refocus and relax try this activity named PSHE W.C. 25.01.21.  


Watch PE with Mr Strachan. This week we’re learning to play a new game called Mollky-Finnish Skittles. 

Brain Breaks  

Watch all the KS1 teachers do super awesome bin shot tricks.  

Can you beat us? Send us your videos in! We will be announcing a bin shot winner next week. 


There is another video named “brain break” with Mr Strachan when you need 5 minutes to refresh.  



            HOME EDUCATION - 18.01.21



Wider Curriculum


Writing Command Sentences

Home learning packs: complete worksheet


Online: Complete the task set on PurpleMash (called 2Do: Monday 18.01.21) and listen to the sound notes to support you


Dividing by 5

Go through the PowerPoint named Monday – 18.01.21


Go through the PowerPoint named ‘Materials’.


Look around your home and find objects that are made from fabric, metal, plastic and glass.


Which material do you think would be best for a Superhero’s cape? Can you explain why?


Planning Our Instructions

Watch video named Tuesday 19.01.21


Read through the secret mission named Tuesday 19.01.21.


Make your superhero potion!  Don't forget to make notes.


Dividing by 5

Go through the PowerPoint named Tuesday – 19.01.21


Log into PurpleMash and complete the set task named Tuesday 19.01.21


Go through the PowerPoint on Neil Armstrong.


Complete the timeline of the events that happened on significant dates in Neil Armstrong’s life.   


Writing Instructions

Read through the PowerPoint named Wednesday 20.01.21


Write your own set of instructions on how to make a superhero potion on PurpleMash named Eng Wednesday 20.1.20


Dividing by 10

Watch the Video


Go through the PowerPoint named Wednesday – 20.01.21


The Story of Creation – 6th Day

Have a look at the website BBC Earth Kids


Think about ways you could help care and protect the animals on Earth.


Reading Comprehension:

Neil Armstrong

Read and answer the questions in full sentences (worksheet 21.01.21)


Complete the PurpleMash task (named 2Do: Neil Armstrong)


Put yourself into the role of an astronaut. Add a picture and express your thoughts.


Dividing by 10

Go through the PowerPoint named Thursday – 21.01.21


Log into PurpleMash and complete the set task named Thursday 21.01.21

Weekly Creative Project

Make a Superhero Potion!


Use items around the house to make your own superhero potion. This will help you in your English work to write your own set of instructions.


Don’t forget to email us pictures of your creations!


Spelling – adding s and es

Watch the video


Read over the PowerPoint named – PPT Friday 22.01.21


Complete the worksheet – (Friday 22.01.21)


Dividing by 2. 5 and 10

Log into PurpleMash and complete the set task named division – 2, 5 and 10


Home Learning Packs – complete the worksheet

PSHE and Well-being

Picture News

‘How can we show our thanks to those who help us?’

Have a look at the resources and have a go at completing the activities.



Have a go at this week’s P.E. lesson with Mr Strachan – In the bin! (watch video)

HOME LEARNING - 11.01.21



Wider Curriculum


The features of instructions

  1. Read over the ppt named Monday 11.01.21. These go over the features of instructions.
  2. Watch the video named Monday 11.01.21 Miss Brooker’s Explanation.
  3. Complete the task Miss Brooker sets at the end of the video: adding time conjunctions into the command sentences.



We are moving on from multiplication and learning about division this week.

Go through the powerpoint named Monday 11.01.21 and complete the tasks.


Feel free to draw the pictures again on your own pieces of paper – this applies throughout the week.


Making a Superhero Potion

We are going to put our scientists hats on and observe closely what happens during potion making.

1. Follow the instructions on the PowerPoint named Science 11.1.21.

2. Complete the questions on the document as you go along (document named Science W.C. 11.01.21)


The Story of Creation – Judaism

Create a piece of Art to retell the story (see document named The Story of Creation).

We have uploaded a video to help you (see video named Jewish Creation


Sequencing Instructions


  1. Complete the 2Do: Crispy Cakes Recipe Sequence on PurpleMash and place the images in the right order.
  2. Have a look at the document named Tuesday 12.02.21. The pictures are in order, but the instructions are not. Draw arrows to match the images to the right instruction. Re-write the instructions in the correct order.



Have a go at sharing equally!

Go through the PowerPoint named Tuesday 12.01.21 and complete the tasks.



Christopher Columbus

Using the text you used to research Christopher Columbus in English (see English subpage, document named Thursday 14.01.21) put yourself in the role of Christopher Columbus. Show his thoughts and character in the speech bubble.


I have set a task on PurpleMash to complete this. I had a go myself (see 2Do Christopher Columbus).

You can do a voice recording of what Christopher Columbus might say and it changes your voice!


Writing Instructions

  1. Look at the instructions I’ve wrote: “How To Make Crispy Cakes”. I’ve highlighted the vocabulary that might be good to borrow in your own writing.
  2. Have a go at writing your own set of instructions, use the checklist and word bank I have given to help you. 
  3. You can choose what your instructions are about - it may link to the weekly creative project.

“How to make a jam sandwich.”

“How to make crispy cakes.”



Applying our knowledge of sharing equally.

Go through the PowerPoint named Wednesday 13.01.21 and complete the tasks.




Monkey Curling

Join in with Mr Strachan’s mini PE lesson (see video named monkey curling)


Reading Key: Record and Retrieval

Christopher Columbus Reading Comprehension

As the History home learning task next week, we will be writing a fact file about Christopher Columbus. This week we are going to learn all about him to help you. Please read the text and answer the questions (see document named Thursday 14.01.21).

You can write the answers to the questions on separate piece of paper using full sentences.



Applying our knowledge of sharing equally.

  • Go through the PowerPoint named Thursday 14.01.21.
  • Complete the worksheet named Thursday 14.01.21 worksheet.


Weekly Creative Project

Let's get baking!

This week in English we are writing instructions. Have a go at baking something of your choice and then write a set of instructions to tell us how you did it.

It could be something as simple as a sandwich or the crispy cakes I have written some instructions for.


Phonics Recap: ay ou ie ea

  1. Watch the video named ay phase 5 phonics for a recap.
  2. Create a table like in the template given and add some more words (see document named Friday 15.01.21)
  3. Write some sentences using a word from each column.



Applying our knowledge we’ve learnt about division this week to answer word problems.

Go through the PowerPoint named Friday 15.01.21 and complete the tasks.



PSHE and well-being activities


Look at the image.
Discussion point: “How do soldiers help us in time of need?”


Complete the activity called: Picture News Follow On Activity

HOME LEARNING - 04.01.21



Wider Curriculum


Discussing the meaning of new vocabulary

I have attached a document with 5 words that appear in Traction Man is Here by Mini Grey (see document named Wednesday 06.01.21)   


Have a go at discussing what each word means, using the word clues on the right-hand side.


On a piece of paper match the words and the word clues together.




Multiplication (2,5,10’s)

Use the PowerPoint named Wednesday – 06.01.21


Here are some groups of objects.

Have a go at:

a) repeated addition to represent the groups

b) the number of groups and the number in each

c) representing it as a multiplication question

d) representing the multiplication question in a different way.


Have a look at the example to help.


Alive, Dead and Never Been Alive

Have a look around your home, out of your window or in your garden.


Can you find objects that:

  • are alive?
  • are dead?
  • have never been alive?


If you would like, there is a worksheet where you can draw the objects you have found and explain why there are alive, dead or never been alive?


Discussing the meaning of vocabulary

I would like you to write some sentences using the new words we learnt yesterday:

Fluorescent, zooming, captive, poisonous, suddenly.


For example: Traction Man wore some fluorescent flippers to dive into the foamy waters.


Multiplication (2,5,10’s)

Use the PowerPoint named Thursday – 07.01.21


Have a go at solving the multiplication word problems.


Can you use your groups and Draw It?


Have a look at the example to help.

Weekly Creative Project



I have attached a template you can use to copy to create your own piece of POP Art. You can use lots of bright colours! 



Ordering the story Traction Man is Here by Mini Grey


Watch the YouTube video of Traction Man is Here by Mini Grey! If you’d like you can make some actions as you go along to help you remember the story. Feel free to email us a video of the actions, we would love to see!


Then, have a go at creating a storyboard of 8 main points in the story (see document named Friday 08.01.21). I have attached a PowerPoint that will help you complete this (see PowerPoint named Friday 08.01.21). It includes pictures of the story and key words that you can use to help you write some sentences.


Multiplication (2,5,10’s)

Use the PowerPoint named Friday – 08.01.21


Have a go at solving the multiplication word problems.


Can you use your groups to Draw It and Connect It?


Have a look at the example to help.

PSHE and well-being activities


Look at the Picture News at Home PDF attached.

Discussion point: “Should anyone be allowed to buy a pet?”



HOME LEARNING - 14.12.20
