
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Thursday World Book Day


 World Book Day 2021: Bring a book to life

Today is world book day: a wonderful day to celebrate reading, and all of the wonderful adventures that it take us on. To celebrate, we’re going to be completing a range of reading and creative tasks linked to our chosen book, ‘The Bear and the Piano.’ By David Litchfield. Follow the YouTube link to listen to the story being read, or click on the PDF copy. 


Now, scroll down and choose a minimum of one task from each column that you would like to complete throughout the day. Don’t forget to take lots of photographs and remember to check out our competition

World Book Day Fun 2021.mp4

Still image for this video

The Bear and the Piano by David Litchfield I Read Aloud I Books for kids about music

World Book Day Overview

World Book day competition

Watch the video below to gather inspiration for the creative challenges.

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World Book Day Creative challenge ideas

Reading tracker: how many reading minutes can you clock up throughout the day?

Head over to Purple Mash to see if you'd like to use any of the templates given.
