
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Spring 2 Learning

Spring 2 Learning



This half term in English we will be learning how to write persuasive letters and adventure stories. These will be based on our class book which is The Boy with the Bronze Axe. We will also be reading Stone Age Boy, Wolf Brother and Ug: The Genius Boy of the Stone Age. 

In persuasive writing, we will learn how to use powerful vocabulary to form our arguments. 
  In our adventure stories, we will learn to use descriptive and exciting vocabulary to entertain our reader. We will also be learning to punctuate speech and will be writing a dialogue between two characters.  


The spellings we will be learning this half term are:

appear, believe, caught

century, eight, eighth

enough, favourite, learn

guard, pressure, reign

therefore, though, although

thought, through, weight



In maths this half term we will be continuing to learn how to multiply 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. We will also be learning how to divide 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. 


We will then learn how to read and create pictographs and bar graphs. This will coincide with census week which is the week commencing 22.3.21. 


Please keep practising your TT rockstars at home so you can become quick at recalling multiplication facts!


Topic and Science

Our topic this half term is still ‘Yabba Dabba Doo!’.
In science we will be learning about skeletons and muscles. In design and technology we will learning about textiles and we will create trousers for Ug. 
Of course, we will also be learning about the Stone Age all the way through to the Iron Age!

