We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Homework will be set weekly on a Friday and is due in the following Tuesday. Children who bring their homework in will have a star on their homework card. When this is full, they will receive a reward.
Children should also be reading at least 3 times a week. Reading diaries will be checked by me or Mrs Simmonds on a Friday. Please ensure these are kept up to date.
Thank you,
Miss Atkin
Half-term History Creative Project
Date set: Friday 20th October 2023
Due in: Thursday 9th November 2023
Next half-term, we will be launching our exploration and discovery theme, focusing on the achievements of the ancient Egyptians. For your half-term creative project, why not have a go at creating one of the following things:
• Can you write your name in hieroglyphics?
• Could you create a 3D pyramid?
• Could you create your own 3D sarcophagus?
•Research an ancient Egyptian achievement and present this in the form of a book, PowerPoint presentation or something creative?
• Research a famous ancient Egyptian pharaoh, such as Tutankhamun and create a fact file about him.
Have fun and we can't wait to see what you come up with!