We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Autumn 1 in The Brilliant Bonsais!
Welcome to Year 1 – we are so excited for the year ahead and to welcome all of the children into our classrooms. We use Marvellous Me to contact parents during the school day, however if you need to contact us in the mean time please use our class emails and we will contact you back as soon as we can – bonsais@gladehill.nottingham.sch.uk and beeches@gladehill.nottingham.sch.uk
Phonics is very important in Year 1 as children will take the Phonics Screening Check in the Summer Term. To support our teaching of phonics we encourage children to read at least 3x a week at home, alongside the word cards we send home with our school reading books. These are linked directly with the phonemes the children have been learning that week.
In Autumn 1 we focus on writing simple sentences and begin practicing and remembering to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Our theme is ‘Beside the Seaside’ and our key text is ‘Billy’s Bucket’ by Kes Gray.
In maths we will be securing and deepening our understanding of numbers to 10. We will be continuing with the mastery number programme from EYFS.
We are SCIENTISTS! We will be learning about plants.
We are EXPLORERS! We will be learning about the local area.
We will be learning to draw in the style of Christian Robinson.