
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Blossoming Bluebells

Welcome to




We are GOLDEN and we SPARKLE!




We are Readers and Writers



This term we are learning all about ........

Traditional Tales.

We will explore well known tales such as Little Red Riding Hood and The Ginger Bread Man. 

Using the text we will learn how to answer text related questions, sequence a story and re-tell stories. 

We are Mathematicians




We are learning about time and money. 

We will explore money and the value of it, how to 'shop' with money and how to make different amounts from coins. 

Using a clock we will be able to tell the time using our daily routine to help our understanding, we will sequence different daily events and talk about them using language such as next or now later, tomorrow and today. 

We are Scientists 






We will be leaning about different materials, how they work and feel and what we can use them for. 

We are Artists 

Look at the targets

we have achieved!  

Phonics in Bluebells


At Glade Hill we teach phonics using the ‘Little Wandle’ (previously ‘Letters and Sounds’) systematic synthetic phonics scheme. This systematic approach teaches our children to use synthetic phonics as a strategy to support them in becoming fluent readers and confident writers. This rigorous approach is adopted throughout school to ensure consistency and progression, including in our Nurture groups.


Children in Bluebells are taught daily discrete phonics lessons and are encouraged to apply their knowledge. For some children this is part of a small group and for others is 1:1. The children also receive precision teaching of tricky words. For some children, their reading books are supplemented with the use of Makaton signs and symbols. This is a specialist approach advised by outside agencies including Speech and Language Therapists and the Nottingham City Learning Support Team.

Here is a link to the main school 'Phonics' page:

We hope you have enjoyed looking at our class page. 

Please feel free to contact us on:


We love to hear about any home achievements and celebrations. 
