
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Spring 1

Our theme this half-term is ‘Living and surviving.’ Through different subjects we will consider the impact of our actions and the importance of our surroundings, environment and what it takes to survive.


We are readers and writers

This half-term, we will be using the book, ‘The Kapok Tree’ and ‘Dear Earth’ to inspire our own persuasive letters and narrative. After delving into both stories, and exploring it through oral retellings, we are going to spend some time constructing super sentences, identifying effective vocabulary and developing our knowledge of persuasive writing. In reading we will be retrieving, inferring information and learning about new vocabulary. We will also be identifying how characters and animals may feel by looking for their actions.


We are mathematicians

In maths, we will continue to learn about multiplication, focusing on the rapid recall of them and how to identify patterns to support our understanding.  You can help your children improve by Tackling tables and encouraging them to play online at home! If you need your child’s details, please come and speak to me as this is a great mathematical resource.


We are scientists

In science, we will be learning about living things. We will recap our prior learning considering things that are alive, dead or never alive. We will recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways. They will explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment. Finally, we will recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things.


We are geographers

In geography lessons we will be building on our learning from Autumn 1 and exploring Brazil. We will be looking at the topography of Brazil and both it's human and physical features. While learning all these new things, we will be comparing them to what we know about England.


We are artists

As artists we will be replicating the work of Abbi Dimond, learning and developing our painting skills. We will work towards producing our own nature-inspired painting.


We are philosophers

As philosophers, we will be learning about respecting and valuing our identities as well as considering the importance of celebrating our differences and similarities.  We will also reflect on the communities that we belong to.

