We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Last week you learnt two methods for multiplying 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number.
Complete the ‘Practice: Multiplying 2 digit numbers’ questions on Purple Mash, using either method. If you need support, please go back to last week’s videos which take you through the steps for both methods.
Today you are learning how to use the short column method to multiply 2 digit numbers that includes regrouping.
Watch the video below for a guide on how to use the short column method for multiplying with regrouping.
After, have a go at the questions at the end of the video.
Today you are practicing yesterday’s new learning. Complete the Purple Mash task ‘Multiplying with regrouping’ using the short column method.
If you need support or help at any point, refer back to yesterday’s video which takes you through this method step-by-step.
Today you are continuing with the short column method for multiplying with regrouping.
Please watch the video below to have a go at journaling an In Focus Task and completing some more practice questions at the end!
Please also refer back to Tuesday’s video for further support with this.
Today you are practising multiplying with regrouping using the short column method.
Complete the ‘Practice Multiplying with Regrouping’ task on Purple Mash.
Then, complete the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) grid. There is an example below, so have a look at this first!
Make sure to go back to Tuesday’s and Thursday’s videos if you need support!