
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Wider Curriculum

20.7.20  Summer 2 Week 8!


Wider Curriculum


Ancient Olympic Board game


Make a 3D trophy and design a certificate for yourself. 


What do you think your best achievement is this year?  What would you get your reward for?



End of Summer Term Activity Booklet.

13.7.20 Summer 2 Week 7

Wider Curriculum

History/ PSHE:


We are all living in strange times- this will be a significant moment in History.


Make a Time Capsule to look back on in the future.  You could use the booklets provided to help you think about different information or you could make a physical time capsule and bury it in your garden! It’s up to you! There’s a few different resources to support you with this.





5.7.20  Summer 2 Week 6


Wider Curriculum

History:  Compare the Seaside Past and Present


Geography/ History:

Look at the country of Brazil and compare with our country.  Rio (2016) held the last Olympics.  Research what it was like, using the information sheets.


Art and Design: In a bottle:  Seaside instructions


Ice-cream Craft!


Computing/ 2Do:  Coding lessons- Please log into Purple Mash to find your 2Do’s


Jumping Monkey


29.6.20  Summer 2 Week 5



Wider Curriculum

Science: Keeping our bodies healthy- write an exercise log


Geography:  Different country study

Research and learn about a different country, who participate in the Olympics.  Complete a fact file of your country to share with the class.


Computing/ 2Do:  Coding lessons- Tick Tock Clock and Magician



Art and Design

Find out about Roy Lichenstein (Pop Artist)  Design your own Pop Art Superhero Slogan.   POW! KAPOW!


Design and Technology

Can you make a superhero vehicle out of box modelling?




Have a go at the lessons and then take the quiz to give our school points. If you would like, send a video of your own performance to be included in the Music Hub’s competition!


Design and Technology

22.6.20  Summer 2 Week 4


Wider Curriculum

Science: Keeping our bodies healthy


History:  Introduction to the Olympics!

Research and learn about the Olympics past and present


Learn about the Olympic Rings in more detail


Design an Olympic Medal/ Mascot/ or National Kit


Computing/ 2Do:  Coding lessons- Frog and the Princess





Have a go at the lessons and then take the quiz to give our school points. If you would like, send a video of your own performance to be included in the Music Hub’s competition!




Lesson 1 Two Minute Lesson - Boom Said the Cat

Percussion - Lesson 2

15.6.20  Summer 2 Week 3



Wider Curriculum


Keep safe around medicines information and quiz


History:  Reading

All about Florence Nightingale comprehension/ home learning task


Art/ Design and Technology:

Design a superhero logo in the style of Andy Warhol.  See the examples and use bright colours


Computing/ 2Do:  Coding lessons- Guard the castle

+ Design and make a 3D superhero vehicle on Purple Mash


Music:  Follow the link under the wider curriculum star to Notts Music Hub. This week we will learn a piece of music called ‘Babethandaza’.


Have a go at the lessons and then take the quiz to give our school points. If you would like, send a video of your own performance to be included in the Music Hub’s competition!



Art/ Design Technology


Babethandaza - No Instruments - Lesson 1

8.6.20  Summer 2 Week 2


Wider Curriculum


How to keep healthy through our diet. 


Design and Technology:

Make a rainbow fruit kebab


Art & Design: 

Design your own Superhero Mask, jet pack or picture!


PSHE:  My Happy Place


Music:  Lesson 1 Somewhere over the Rainbow


Music Lesson from Nottingham Music Hub


Design and Technology

.How to make fruit skewers

Music Lesson 1

Somewhere Over The Rainbow - Music Without Instruments

Summer 2  Week 1




Wider Curriculum


I can identify healthy and unhealthy food, and say how much of them I should eat.



Famous Person Study.  Find out about Florence Nightingale


Art:  Pop Art:  Andy Warhol


18.5.20 Week 5


Project (on going):  Create a 3D model of a nocturnal animal.


Science – can you grow some potato and carrot tops? cut the tops off the potatoes and carrot and sit them in a shallow bowl of water. wait to see what happens!


Art:  see resource sheet below for ideas for making a vegetable and fruit collage.



11.5.20 Week 4 


Wider Curriculum

Project (on going):  Create a 3D model of a nocturnal animal.


Science: Day and night

Watch the video about why day and night happens.  Try to recreate this using a torch and a ball. 


Art:  Create a sunrise/ sunset picture on 2Paint (Purple Mash) or using paint/ paper or collage






Day and Night || video for kids




Wider Curriculum

Project (on going):  Create a 3D model of a nocturnal animal.


Science:  ‘The dark’ exploration.  What gives us light?  



Explore the web links to research and Find out about the artist ‘Vincent Van Gogh’.  We will be beginning to explore his painting of ‘Starry Night’.


Use the silhouettes to add your own city to a night sky.






Get creative!


You could create a 3D model of a nocturnal animal?


What can you find out about them?  What do they eat?  Where do they live?

Wonderful Work

Science Light Sources



BBC bitesize has a great video exploring light sources.  Click on the link below for the lesson.


What sources of light can you find at home?

Science Light and Dark resources

Art: Vincent Van Gogh


We are going to be studying the famous artist Vincent Van Gogh this half term, looking in particular at his painting of 'Starry Night'.  What can you find out about Vincent Van Gogh?  Below are some links to research him as well as some activities you could try to recreate his work.


Kids Can Draw: Starry Night Age 6-12




All about 'Feelings'.


What feelings do you know?  When do you feel these?  Who can you ask for help if you don't know how to respond to your feelings?


Lesson 1 helps us to:

  • Identifying and talking about feelings
  • Understanding how feelings affect behaviours


Tell the alien all about what you know.  There are some word cards to help you talk to your grown ups about when you might feel in a particular way.
