We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Monday- Identifying the organisational features of a persuasive letter.
Read through the PowerPoint below about the organisational features of a persuasive letter. Then you need to go on Purple Mash and identify the different features of the letter.
Tuesday- Identifying the language features of a persuasive letter
Read through the PowerPoint below and then identify the language features on the Purple Mash letter.
Wednesday- To write using the openers in persuasive letters
Read through the PowerPoint below and then write a minimum of 12 sentences on the Purple Mash format (3 for each type of opener).
Thursday- To use modal verbs and adverbs.
Click on the link below to learn about modal verbs.
You need to watch the video clip, then highlight the modal verbs activity and then complete the quiz.
Modal adverbs (E.g. certainly, definitely, clearly, surely, likely) are also used to show likelihood, permission, obligation or ability.
Underline the modal adverbs on the Purple Mash sheet and then write 5 sentences containing a modal verb and 5 sentences containing a modal adverb.
Friday- To investigate the suffixes -ant and -ent
In this lesson, we will investigate the two suffixes -ent and -ant, including noticing some pattern with word class and letter sounds. We will also review some of the spelling rules we have learnt for suffixes in previous lessons.