We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Welcome to Super Cedars!
Home Learning Information
Hi Super Cedars! I hope you have had a great week at home and enjoyed your transition activities. I have posted another transition booklet to keep you busy this week! 13 different activities! You don't have to do them all, just pick the ones you feel inspired by the most! And I hope it helps you deal with these strange times!
Take a look at our transition page for other things to support you with your last week at Glade Hill.
I am looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible on your class Zoom meeting on Wednesday!
Mrs Lineker
Over the next two weeks, home learning will look a little different! We will still be setting you reading and maths work to do on Purple Mash and MyMaths as these are really important subjects to still be studying and practicing before you start Secondary school in September.
But, we will also be providing you with some other transition activities which we think will help you with your transition from Glade Hill to your new Secondary school.
I have created a new sub-page where I will add these activities in over the next two weeks so take a look and enjoy them!
I will save any that I can as Word documents so that you can edit them online, so no need to print, but don't forget to send them in to our class email when you've finished them:
If I can't save anything as a Word document, then don't forget - you don't have to print off the sheets, you can use your own paper and write the headings on/ design the layout for yourself and send us a picture instead.
I am really proud of how hard you have all been working at home, especially on Purple Mash and MyMaths, so keep it up! And I will as always, be sending some badges on Marvellous Me!
Take care,
Mrs Lineker
Here is a link to our class blog. It would be lovely to hear from you on there and you can talk to each other too!
Remember your password is your first and last name with no capital letters and a full stop in the middle (E.g fred.smith). Your password is your first name with a capital letter followed by your purple mash password (E.g Fredcat76).
Hello Super Cedars, I hope you are keeping well and safe. I'm happy to be back in school, joining Miss Marshall and being reunited with some of you.😊
For some of you book lovers, I thought I'd share with you a, range of books, I'm currently reading. The books are called 'Rascal' by Chris Cooper (above slide show). You may also like to read them, as they make easy reading, for pleasure. Abe and I are really enjoying them!
The books are adventure stories, about a dog that gets lost and his journey to get home. In each book, he gets nearer to his owner, but he has to overcome some challenges along the way. They are a bit addictive and we cannot wait to get to the last book, to find out if Rascal makes it home! 🤔
I've added the front covers and blurbs, in the above slide show, so you can take a glimpse. Please look out for them, they can be found, as a set, on Amazon!
Happy reading,
Mrs. Ozkaya. 😊
A huge well done to all the children who took part in the
Silly SATs!
I loved seeing all of your super artwork and brilliant hairstyles (you can see some pictures below!)
You will be pleased to know that EVERYONE who took part scored over 60 which was the pass mark for achieving the 'Working At' standard.
It was really close, but there is a winner, with a total of 70 points, it is....
In close second place, with 66 points, are...
Riley and Jess!!!
I hope you had fun and if you didn't get chance to do it yet, it's not too late! You can still send me your scores :)
BBC Bitesize and Oak National Academy
BBC Bitesize and Oak National Academy are providing daily online lessons for children to access during this time. These would be a great addition to the work the children are already doing and would be good to support them with particularly tricky areas of the curriculum. This week in Maths it is fractions on the Oak National Academy site. Follow the links below to have a look at these great resources!
To make your eco-friendly plant pot all you need is: a toilet roll and scissors. Cut slits along the top of the toilet roll, at an angle, about 1-2 cm wide. Fold the flaps outwards first, to make sure the folds are straight. Then fold all the flaps back to the middle, making sure you tuck in each flap to the next flap, as you go round. There you have your pot. Just fill it with soil or compost and grow your seeds! 😊
Have fun,
Mrs. Ozkaya
I've been trying out some ideas using simple materials. As I know lots of you like to do craft, I thought I'd show you an easy way to make a concertina 3D leaf. You can then make your own 3D picture, attach them to string, to hang up as a garland or make a card for someone. All you need to start is paper, glue and scissors.
Happy crafting! 😊
Mrs Ozkaya
Follow the step by step pics...
Home Learning Information for Parents
In your child's Home Learning Pack you will find a GREEN SHEET which clearly explains what your child needs to do at home. The information on the sheet varies slightly for different children so if you are missing this please email me and I can send it to you.
Below is a summary:
Daily tasks: (children to do the one written on their GREEN SHEET)
Weekly tasks:
On-going tasks:
Online Resources:
If your child has access to a computer/tablet then the following apps or online resources will also support their learning. Children have been given extra copies of their usernames/ passwords and are stuck in diaries or in this folder.
Maths- MyMaths (I will set tasks on this for your child to complete), TT Rockstars (Children can practise times tables on this)
SPAG- Spag.com (I will set SPAG tests for the children to complete online)
Reading- Read Theory (The children can complete reading comprehensions on this matched to their own level)
Everything- Purple Mash (Lots of activities for your child to complete linked to all areas of the curriculum and many different topics) Bitesize website (lots of resources, revision and games matched to all areas of the curriculum)
Spring 2
In Spring 2 we will be reading the book ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar.
In Science, we will be learning about Evolution and Inheritance.
In Art, we will be improving our sketching and sculpture skills.
In Design Technology, we will be developing our sewing skills.
In Geography, we will be learning about North and South America and biomes.
Please see the news letter below for more information on this half term.
Spring 1
Our topic for Spring 1 is called ‘Survival’ and is based on the book ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by Michael Morpurgo.
In Science, we will be learning about how we can keep our bodies healthy. In Art, we will be creating watercolour paintings based on ‘The Wave’ by Hokusai. In Design Technology, we will be designing and creating rafts.
In Geography, we will be improving our map work skills and our geographical knowledge.
In literacy, we will be learning to write adventure stories based on ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’. We will be focussing on using complex sentences, varied openers and descriptive language.
Please remember to read with your child at home and record this in their diary. It is very important that they have their diary in school every day. They will be checked for reading on Thursdays.
This half term, we will be learning about fractions, percentages and decimals. Also we will start to look at the properties of shape. Alongside this, we will be continuing to practise all of the things we have been learning so far in year 6.
Autumn 2
I hope you have had a lovely break and are ready for another exciting half-term!
In our topic lessons we will be learning about the Vikings and the Anglo Saxons. In Design Technology we will be creating Viking clay pots. In Science we will be learning about the human circulatory system.
In writing lessons we will be exploring the features of a discussion text and learning how to write our own. We will then be improving our fiction writing skills by writing a story based on a creepy film clip.
In shared reading lessons will be reading a range of texts and focusing on improving our skills across the different reading keys. In particular we will focus on how to answer longer two and three mark questions.
In maths we will be completing our work on the four operations- including prime numbers and mixed operation equations. We will then move on to learning about fractions. This will include how to simplify and find equivalent fractions, how to add and subtract fractions and how to multiply and divide fractions.
Autumn 1 in Super Cedars!
Our topic for Autumn 1 is...
Magic, Muggles and Mayhem!
It is all about Harry Potter!
In Science, our topic will be Light...
In literacy we will be learning to write Stories set in Imaginary Worlds using Harry Potter as a stimulus. We will be learning about the features of this text type and improving our sentence structures, grammar and use of vocabulary.
Please remember to read with your child at home and record this in their diary. It is very important that they have their diary in school every day. They will be checked for reading on Thursdays.
This half term we will be learning about numbers to 10 million and all of the four operations. We will be increasing our fluency in these areas but also our reasoning and problem solving skills.
Please remember to continue to encourage your child to use times table rock stars at home.
- PE is on a Tuesday
-DARE is on a Wednesday so don't forget your book!
- Maths homework is set on a Thursday and due in the following Thursday
- Reading diaries are checked on a Thursday
Don't forget...
We are GOLDEN and we SPARKLE!