
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Week beginning 22.02.21


Lesson 1 (English)

Lesson 2 (Reading)

Lesson 3 (Maths)

Lesson 4 (Wider Curriculum)


Today is our Romans’ day. Click on the star to find out all the fun we’ll be getting up to today.

History: Where do the Romans fit in history? put the historical events into chronological order.

English writing: who were the Romans?

English Reading: making inferences about Roman artefacts

Maths: Roman numerals recap

DT: Design and make a Roman shield fit for a soldier.



Purple Mash


Making inferences and predictions




Purple Mash


Read Chapter 1 of ‘The Settlers’.


Answer the online quiz questions

My Maths


Introducing perimeter







details about and reasons for ritual and practice on pilgrimages.



Purple Mash


Text immersion: understanding the structure




CGP book


Complete the CGP comprehension,


‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ on page 4.


Purple Mash


Finding the perimeter







Identify common electrical appliances – battery and mains. Read through the PowerPoint and sort the different appliances into groups.


Purple Mash


Text immersion: understanding author’s vocabulary






Purple Mash


Read Chapter 2 of ‘The Settlers’.


Answer the online quiz questions




Purple Mash


Measuring and calculating perimeter







Watch the video under the PE heading which contains this week’s challenge. Can you beat the teacher?



Oak national - Timbre 2- exploring percussion.



Purple Mash


Text immersion:

Finding themes.





Purple Mash


Read Chapter 3 of ‘The Settlers’.


Answer the online quiz questions


Purple Mash









Click the link under the PSHE heading which will direct you to ‘Values, money and me’ web page. You will need to read through the book, complete the activity and have a go at the quiz.
