
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Observation And Assessment

Evidencing Assessments

At Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School, we use a range of strategies to gather information about the children’s learning and development and use this information to ensure that our planning meets the needs of all learners.  We are careful to ensure that assessment activity does not detract from adults supporting learning and engaging with the children.  During child-initiated activities, practitioners make ‘snapshot’ observations of significant moments on the online Learning Journey, ‘Tapestry’.  Notes about guided activities and next steps are recorded on teacher/class focus sheets.  The use of occasional detailed observations are focused on pupils that staff feel may require a little extra support.  Targeted experiences based on observation findings are planned for the children the following week.


Assessment Processes

Pupils in Nursery and Reception complete assessment activities within the first 6 weeks of attendance to provide a baseline assessment of attainment.  The teachers use their knowledge of each child to decide which stage of learning children are at greater-depth, on-track, just-below and below, in each area of the curriculum.  This allows learning opportunities to be pitched appropriately and also provides a baseline of the children’s attainment.  This information is closely monitored to ensure that all children are making good progress.  Extra support and interventions are put into place as required.  Children making smaller steps of progress will be tracked on the ‘Next Steps’ document or ‘B-Squared’.

Nursery and Reception pupils’ progress is tracked every term and interventions are planned to ‘narrow’ gaps in attainment. Staff all have an input into discussions surrounding pupil progress.  The progress of Nursery and Reception pupils are further discussed with senior leaders.  Internal moderations between staff are conducted at least once every half term to ensure that there is consistency in judgements against evidence towards the Early Years outcomes.


The EYFS Profile

In the Summer term, for Reception pupils, practitioners consider the 17 ELGS in the EYFS Profile to decide whether each child is working at or towards the expected levels.  Judgements against the ELGs are based on: ongoing observations; all relevant records; discussions with parents and carers and any other adults whom the teacher, parent or carer judges can offer a useful contribution.  Moderation with Year 1 staff for higher achieving pupils is conducted to gain consistent judgement of what an expected/ exceeding piece of work looks like.


The results of the EYFS Profile are shared with parents and/or carers, and there are opportunities for them to meet their child’s class teacher to discuss this information.


At the end of the year, Year 1 teachers are given a copy of the EYFS Profile report together with a short commentary on each child’s skills and abilities in relation to the three key characteristics of effective learning.  This helps to create a smooth transition and assists with the planning of activities in Year 1.

The EYFS profile results are reported to the local authority, who monitor and moderate the judgements made.
