
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

English Resources

This week you will be writing a recount of your time learning from home so far.
A recount is the retelling of an event or experience.



Time adverbials tell us when something happened. Write some sentences about a day last week that include time adverbials. Below, find some examples of time adverbials. 



Watch the video below about prepositions.

Yesterday you wrote sentences that included time adverbials. Can you add a preposition or a prepositional phrase to your sentences?




Write a recount of your week last week. Think about everything you did.

I am looking for you to include:

  • Time adverbials
  • Prepositions



Today we are editing and improving our recount writing from yesterday. Follow the video to see how I edited my writing.

We will re-read our writing to check in makes sense. We will check our writing for spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes. We will find all the things we have done well. We will finally choose a sentence that we would like to improve and we will improve it.

Edit and Improve our Writing



This week we are learning how to add the suffix –ly to a root words ending in y. Take a look at the resource which explains the rule and your task.

Once you have finished, you can practice your coloured spelling words. To practice these follow the 'look, cover, write, check' format.

Look at the word, cover the word up, write the word and then check you have spelled it correctly.

You can also write sentences that include your spelling words. 
