We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Welcome to Wonderful Willows!
Summary of Learning |
20.7.20 |
English |
Maths |
Wider Curriculum |
Reading: BINGO!
Summer Reading BINGO! Focus on reading for pleasure. Choose an activity to make your reading experience fun, as well as look at the suggested reads for those looking for great books!
Writing: A selection of activities to choose from:
Scrapbook of Year 2 Use the scrap book to think about all the fantastic things that have happened in Year 2! It would be great to share with your new teacher or keep it safe to look back on in a years’ time!
Hopes for the summer What do you hope your summer will hold?
In the summer I see… Where will you go? What will you see?
Summer Nature Walk: Head out in the sunshine and notice what’s around you!
Summer Themed Maths Challenges
Please log onto My Maths for 5 activities to complete 1 daily.
Each task has a lesson and questions. Please ensure your child ‘hands in’ their homework task for me to see!
Other resources/ Practice: Superhero Maths/ TT Rockstars See links in Maths home learning tab.
History: Ancient Olympic Board game
Make a 3D trophy and design a certificate for yourself.
What do you think your best achievement is this year? What would you get your reward for?
End of Summer Term Activity Booklet. |
Summary of Learning |
13.7.20 |
English |
Maths |
Wider Curriculum |
Monday: Transition: A note for My Teacher Complete the letter and fact file about you, ready to share with your new teacher during this week’s Zoom call!
Tuesday- Friday Complete a task from the English Activity Transition Booklet
Practice some of the key skills we have learnt this year, ready for your transition into Year 3!
Summer Maths Booklet
Please log onto My Maths for 5 activities to complete 1 daily.
Each task has a lesson and questions. Please ensure your child ‘hands in’ their homework task for me to see!
Other resources/ Practice: Superhero Maths/ TT Rockstars See links in Maths home learning tab.
History/ PSHE:
We are all living in strange times- this will be a significant moment in History.
Make a Time Capsule to look back on in the future. You could use the booklet provided to help you think about different information or you could make a physical time capsule and bury it in your garden! It’s up to you!
Water Safety https://www.swimming.org/swimengland/free-home-school-activities/ Talk to the children about water safety. Resources are available at the above website.
Summary of Learning |
5.7.20 |
English |
Maths |
Wider Curriculum |
Monday: Beaches Comprehension (There are 3 versions- 1star- EASIER, 2star- Age related, 3 Star-Challenge!)
Tuesday: Read the poem ‘Seaside Fun’ and discuss all the memories or things you can do at the seaside. Look at the pictures to help think about ideas and brainstorm your ideas.
Wednesday: Write your own version of the poem. Can you make two lines rhyme like in the original?
Thursday: Another Type of Poem are Acrostic Poems. Here a letter in a word starts each sentence. We are going to use the word ‘Seaside’. Look at the example and have a go at writing your own!
Friday: Word Search. Find the Seaside words hidden in the word search. Look for the letter patterns to help you.
Please log onto My Maths for 5 activities to complete 1 daily.
Each task has a lesson and questions. Please ensure your child ‘hands in’ their homework task for me to see!
Other resources/ Practice: Superhero Maths/ TT Rockstars See links in Maths home learning tab.
Make your own clock to help you practice telling the time!
History: Compare the Seaside Past and Present
Geography/ History: Look at the country of Brazil and compare with our country. Rio (2016) held the last Olympics. Research what it was like, using the information sheets.
Art and Design: In a bottle: Seaside instructions
Ice-cream Craft!
Computing/ 2Do: Coding lessons- Please log into Purple Mash to find your 2Do’s
Jumping Monkey Superheroes! |
Summary of Learning |
29.6.20 |
English |
Maths |
Wider Curriculum |
Monday: Read along/ listen to the new text “Traction Man and the Beach Odyssey” The weather has been so hot that Traction Man has been to the beach!
Shared Reading: Discuss the meaning of the words crevices, aquatic, lurk, elusive
Tuesday: Grammar: Label some of the items (using the correct punctuation) of the things Traction Man packs
Wednesday: Look at the 3 examples of setting descriptions. Highlight the use of capital letters/ full stops/ adjectives and sentence openers.
Thursday: Finish the sentences describing what Traction Man can see/ hear/ touch as he dives in the deep ocean.
Friday: Writing Describe what Traction Man would see under the water in a final setting description.
Copy up your best setting description in your neatest handwriting and be proud of your work! J
Please log onto My Maths for 5 activities to complete 1 daily.
BASED ON 2D and 3D shape
Each task has a lesson and questions. Please ensure your child ‘hands in’ their homework task for me to see!
Other resources/ Practice: Superhero Maths/ TT Rockstars See links in Maths home learning tab.
Science: Keeping our bodies healthy- write an exercise log
Geography: Different country study Research and learn about a different country, who participate in the Olympics. Complete a fact file of your country to share with the class.
Art and Design Find out about Roy Lichenstein (Pop Artist) Design your own Pop Art Superhero Slogan. POW! KAPOW!
Design and Technology Can you make a superhero vehicle out of box modelling?
Computing/ 2Do: Coding lessons- Tick Tock Clock and Magician
Have a go at the lessons and then take the quiz to give our school points. If you would like, send a video of your own performance to be included in the Music Hub’s competition!
Summary of Learning |
22.6.20 |
English |
Maths |
Wider Curriculum |
Monday: Read along/ listen to the new text “Traction Man meets Turbo Dog!”
Using an extract from the text highlight words you are unsure of. Look at words such as: Compost, harness, glacier, mystic, the summit! Discuss what they mean with a grown up. Annotate the text if you wish.
Tuesday: Think about reasons for and against why the little boy’s parents might put Scrubbing Brush in the bin!!!
Wednesday: Design your own TURBO PET! What would your character be? Maybe it could be a mixture of pets!
Thursday: RSE DAY (relationship education) Please see the Parent advice booklet.
This year’s theme for RSE Day is ‘Books I Love About Love’. You can join in by reading a book about love with your child or sharing your favourite books on social media using #BooksILoveAboutLove #RSEday.
Friday: Writing Tell me all about your Turbo Pet. Does your Turbo Pet have any special powers? How does it help Traction Man? Copy up your best character description and be proud of your work! J
Please log onto My Maths for 5 activities to complete 1 daily.
Each task has a lesson and questions. Please ensure your child ‘hands in’ their homework task for me to see!
Other resources/ Practice: Superhero Maths/ TT Rockstars See links in Maths home learning tab.
Science: Keeping our bodies healthy
History: Introduction to the Olympics! Research and learn about the Olympics past and present
Learn about the Olympic Rings in more detail
Design an Olympic Medal/ Mascot/ or National Kit
Computing/ 2Do: Coding lessons- Frog and the Princess Sounds
Have a go at the lessons and then take the quiz to give our school points. If you would like, send a video of your own performance to be included in the Music Hub’s competition!
Summary of Learning |
15.6.20 |
English |
Maths |
Wider Curriculum |
Monday: Reading Questions about Jeremy Strong
Tuesday: Design an outfit for Traction Man for a new setting.
Wednesday: Grammar Adjectives Traction Man dives into the sink… what would he see? Use adjectives to describe.
Thursday: Writing Use your work from yesterday to write into full sentences. How can you describe what’s around him?
Friday: Writing Complete your extended piece if needed.
Reading: (History) All about Florence Nightingale |
Please log onto My Maths for 5 activities to complete 1 daily.
Each task has a lesson and questions. Please ensure your child ‘hands in’ their homework task for me to see!
Other resources/ Practice: Superhero Maths/ TT Rockstars See links in Maths home learning tab.
Science: Keep safe around medicines information and quiz
History: Reading All about Florence Nightingale comprehension/ home learning task
Art/ Design and Technology: Design a superhero logo in the style of Andy Warhol. See the examples and use bright colours
Computing/ 2Do: Coding lessons- Guard the castle + Design and make a 3D superhero vehicle on Purple Mash
Music: Follow the link under the wider curriculum star to Notts Music Hub. This week we will learn a piece of music called ‘Babethandaza’.
Have a go at the lessons and then take the quiz to give our school points. If you would like, send a video of your own performance to be included in the Music Hub’s competition!
It's the final Summer term and I'm excited to share all your learning with you!
There has been lots of 'superheroes' helping us in our communities at the moment... which made me think about a very important BIG QUESTION...
This half term we are going to be exploring 'Superheroes', thinking about what makes them special and what powers we each have in order to be superheroes ourselves. We will be thinking about how to keep ourselves healthy and also finding out about 'Florence Nightingale', who was a famous nurse from many years ago... I hope you enjoy! Miss Lee x
Summary of Learning |
8.6.20 |
English |
Maths |
Wider Curriculum |
Monday: Re-read the story of Traction Man is Here and think about what Traction Man might be thinking at different parts of the story. Fill in the thought bubbles
Tuesday: Grammar: Introduction to speech marks Pop the bubbles and write the speech in a sentence. Use the example to help you.
Wednesday: Grammar Adjectives Read the two diary entries and discuss what is different about them. Which is more effective? Can you find the adjectives?
Thursday: Writing Write a WOW sentence for each part of the story given. Continue to plan your own adventure!
Friday: Writing Complete your own diary entry for Tractions Man’s day. |
Please log onto My Maths for 5 activities to complete 1 daily.
Each task has a lesson and questions. Please ensure your child ‘hands in’ their homework task for me to see!
Other resources/ Practice: Superhero Maths/ TT Rockstars See links in Maths home learning tab.
Science: How to keep healthy through our diet.
History: Comparing hospitals of Victorian Britain and those of today
Design and Technology: Make a rainbow fruit kebab
Art & Design: Design your own Superhero Mask, jet pack or picture!
PSHE: My Happy Place
Music: Lesson 1: Somewhere over the Rainbow
Music lesson from Nottingham Music Hub |
Summary of Learning |
1.6.20 |
English |
Maths |
Wider Curriculum |
Monday: Reading Read along to the story of Traction Man. Make a list of all the things you find out about him. What other ‘superheroes’ do you know? What do they do? Do they have special powers?
Tuesday: Grammar Which ‘there’ Complete the sentences using the correct ‘there/ their or they’re’
Wednesday: Plan your writing Invent your own superhero
Thursday: Writing: Sentence structure Up level the boring sentences
Friday: Writing Write about your own superhero. |
Please log onto My Maths for 5 activities to complete 1 daily.
Each task has a lesson and questions. Please ensure your child ‘hands in’ their homework task for me to see!
Other resources/ Practice: Superhero Maths/ TT Rockstars See links in Maths home learning tab.
Additional Resources have been made available if you are unable to access MyMaths online
Multiplication Focus |
Science: I know what is healthy and unhealthy
I can say how much of certain foods I should eat
History: Famous Person Study
Find out about Florence Nightingale
Art: Pop Art by Andy Warhol
Friday 8th May is a bank holiday to celebrate 75 years since the end of the War in Europe. Have fun celebrating with your families- maybe decorate the house or garden and have a picnic in the sun! I have attached some resources which might help you celebrate together- I am going to try and decorate my house with the colourful bunting and have a picnic too!
Rob is an award winning author/ illustrator and whilst schools are closed is completing a series of 'learn to draw' sessions of some very cool characters!
You can find all the videos on the link
but you can also post and share your images on his twitter / Instragram page!
If you send the picture to me- through the class email- I'll also put them on our class page!
See our attempts below:
Every day from 9am, Joe Wicks will be leading a PE session for you to do in your living rooms! Exercise is a great way to start the day
Click the link to his Youtube channel below:
Super Safari
This half term Year 2 are going on a Super Safari! We will be looking at the continent of Africa and exploring the features of different landscapes such as the desert, a savannah and a rainforest. We will also be looking at African Art and music, exploring culture and traditions across the African Continent.
Science week is the week beginning 6th March. We will be looking at the impact humans have on our habitat and reading about the effects of climate change. We will be basing our learning around the book ‘Greta and the Giants’ and thinking about how diverse our planet is.
Class 2 are beginning to use their knowledge of the four operations to solve word problems. For a numeracy target, we will be working hard to learn ‘by heart’ our 2, 5 and 10 times tables to defeat Batman! Good luck Wonderful Willows! By getting better at multiplication, we will also be able to tackle division problems easily! Very helpful! J We will also be focussing on measures- including temperature, length and mass. You can support us with this by doing lots of measuring at home. You could weigh out ingredients for a cake or measure the height and lengths of things around the house!
In literacy we will be looking at writing a range of non-fiction texts, including: reports, letters and recounts. We will be ensuring we use all punctuation correctly, conjunctions to extend our sentences, as well as ensuring our handwriting is the correct size and orientation, in relation to each other
In literacy we will be looking at narrative texts, focussing on a range of Stories by Simon Bartram. We will be looking at writing fantastic character descriptions, thinking about our writing targets of using ‘wow’ words and improving our sentence structure with conjunctions and making our writing ‘sparkle’ through interesting word choices.
Class 2 are starting the year focusing on multiplication and division; solving word problems and finding corresponding facts. For a numeracy target, we will be working hard to learn ‘by heart’ our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We are already confident counters but we want to get better at recalling the facts.
Keep using the‘Times Table Rockstars’ programme at home. By getting better at multiplication, we will also be able to tackle division problems easily! Very helpful! J
We are Explorers!
Wonderful Willows are looking at the big question ‘Why do people want to explore the world?’ this half term; looking at the different types of places they can visit and the famous explorers of the past and present. We will look at astronauts Neil Armstrong, as well as Christopher Columbus in our famous person study, comparing their adventures and the things they used to help them.
As part of our topic, we will be learning all about our bodies. We will be thinking about the things all living things need in order to be alive. We will be categorising whether things are alive, dead or have never been alive.
In literacy we will be looking at ‘Non chronological reports through our topic of ‘Life in the Freezer’. We will consider the features of non-fiction texts and will be producing our own reports about Polar Bears. We are still working on our literacy Non-negotiable of being able to spell all high frequency words correctly and making sure we are forming all letters correctly in our handwriting. Please support your child with any un-highlighted words sent home as spellings.
Year 2 will be focusing on mental calculations and will be trying to improve their fluency in recalling number facts to 10 and 20. Please support your child with their Superhero Maths sheets and by asking them questions such as:- What do I add to 13 to make 20? How much change would I get from 20p if I spent 5p?
Through our topic work will be looking at the basic needs of humans and animals. We will be thinking about life-cycles, food chains and what we need in order to survive. Our big question is…
Could a Polar Bear Survive in the desert?
Perfect P.E kit
Black shorts/ leggings/ jogging bottoms, White T-Shirt
Plimsolls/ trainers P.E. Tuesdays/ Thursdays
After Christmas we will be starting our swimming lessons on Mondays. Please ensure they have a full swimsuit/ tight swim shorts (no pockets) in time for January.
Please feel free to email me with any questions
Thank you, Miss Lee
One of the most important ways to support your child is by listening to them read. Please find time to read with your child at home, 3 times a week. Diaries will be checked and RED TED stars given each Friday. I will be also handing out some bookmarks for your child's reading book band. These have questions you can ask whilst reading to support your child's comprehension skills.
This half term our literacy learning will be based around the text, ‘The Pirates Next Door’. We will be writing our own pirate stories based on the text, concentrating on our writing targets; ensuring we are using capital letters and full stops more consistently and using adjectives to describe nouns. In spelling we will be focusing on adding suffixes –ing and –ed, as well as recapping some of our phonics sounds to help our spelling. The spelling sheets for common exception words will be placed in the back of your child’s diary in the next week. Please help them practice 5 of these words a week to support their independent writing and spelling.
We will be starting the year looking at the place value of numbers to 100. We will be looking at ways to draw representations of numbers and be able to identify the number of tens and ones a number has. This will support our thinking when moving into addition and subtraction later in the term. We will also be developing our arithmetic skills.
TT rockstars will be launched in year 2. This will support us with our times tables. Keep an eye out for the password in the back of diaries.
Superhero Maths will continue, weekly. Keep practising those fast recall of facts for homework!
Topic/ Science
Our topic and science learning this half term will focus on Pirates. We will be looking into ‘floating and sinking’, as well as looking at maps and the coastline of Britain. We will also be researching famous Pirates. In computing, we will be learning to programme; looking at how we can control and make things move.
Don't forget to sign up to Marvellous Me!
We will be using the App to commmunicate with you about your child's day- their acheivements and how much they SPARKLE! Please see me if you need another unique join code for your child.
The children have really enjoyed receiving badges and sharing them directly with you, on your phone or computer.