We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Children will receive 1 or 2 pieces of online homework every Friday. This will be on platforms that they are familiar with: Purple Mash and My Maths. Each week the children can find the task listed below which they should complete at home. Homework in due by the following Thursday and there are lots of golden tickets and homework tickets to be handed out for those that do!
Summer 2 homework
Maths and English Homework
Date set: Friday 9th July 2021
Due in: Thursday 15th July 2021
For your Maths homework this week, I would like you to head over to My Maths and complete 'Introducing Decimals'. We are going be practising our learning of decimals. For your English homework, I would like you to read Chapter 1 of "My Family and other Androids " and answer the online quiz questions.
Maths and English Homework
Date set: Friday 2nd July 2021
Due in: Thursday 8th July 2021
For your Maths homework this week, I would like you to head over to My Maths and complete 'Decimal number lines'. We are going be practising decimals by plotting decimal numbers on a number line. For your English homework, I would like you to read chapter 1 "Alien Hotel" and answer the online quiz questions.
Maths and English Homework
Date set: Friday 25th June 2021
Due in: Thursday 1st July 2021
For your Maths homework this week, I would like you to head over to My Maths and complete 'Roman Numerals'. We are going to be recapping how to read and write them. For your English homework, I would like complete "Frank's clever window again". You will be building on your knowledge learnt this week by adding in some missing inverted commas!
Maths and English Homework
Date set: Friday 18th June 2021
Due in: Thursday 24th June 2021
For your Maths homework this week, I would like you to head over to My Maths and complete 'Time conversions 2'. We are going to be practising our conversion of minutes, second and hours. For your English homework, I would like complete "Harry's Party". You will be practising your use of apostrophes for possessive and plural.
As always, there is another TTRS battle this week. Head over to the tournament to give us the best chance of winning!
Maths and English Homework
Date set: Friday 11th June 2021
Due in: Thursday 17th June 2021
For your Maths homework this week, I would like you to head over to My Maths and complete 'Working with thousands'. We are going to be practising our place value by adding and subtracting 1000. For your English homework, I would like you read chapter 1 of "Look into My Eyes" and answer the online quiz questions.
As always, there is another TTRS battle this week. Head over to tournament to give us the best chance of winning!
Summer 1 homework
Maths and English Homework
Date set: Friday 21st May 2021
Due in: Thursday 27th May 2021
For your Maths homework this week, I would like you to head over to My Maths and complete 'Introducing area'. For your English homework, I would like you to read chapter 1 of 'The Porchester Park Project" and answer the online quiz questions.
It is week four of the battle of the bands. To ensure Outstanding Olives win this week, play your part in the battle over on TT Rockstars.
Maths and English Homework
Date set: Friday 14th May 2021
Due in: Thursday 20th May 2021
For your Maths homework this week, I would like you to head over to My Maths and complete 'More written methods'. For your English homework, I would like you complete the inter- spelling quiz on Purple Mash.
It is week four of the battle of the bands. To ensure Outstanding Olives win this week, play your part in the battle over on TT Rockstars.
Maths and English Homework
Date set: Friday 7th May 2021
Due in: Thursday 13th May 2021
For your Maths homework this week, I would like you to head over to My Maths and complete 'Solving problems with rounding'. For your English homework, I would like you to read chapter 1 of 'Golden Apple Tree' and answer the online quiz questions on Purple Mash.
It is week three of the battle of the bands. To ensure Outstanding Oaks win this week, play your part in the battle over on TT Rockstars.
Maths and English Homework
Date set: Friday 30th April 2021
Due in: Thursday 6th May 2021
For your Maths homework this week, I would like you to head over to My Maths and complete 'Short Division'. It is super important that we work on our accuracy with the bus stop method. For your English homework, I would like you to complete the 'Subordination' quiz on Purple Mash. We have been using subordinating clauses in our writing this week so think carefully about how we use these!
It is week two of the battle of the bands. To ensure Outstanding Oaks win this week, play your part in the battle over on TT Rockstars.
Maths and Reading homework
Date set: Friday 23rd April 2021
Due in: Thursday 29th April 2021
For your homework this week, I would like you to head over to Purple Mash and complete the -ous spelling quiz. For your maths homework, please head over to My Maths and complete "Place Value Hundreds and Thousands". The battle of the bands is now live over on TTRS. Please see the competition poster below!
Spring 2 Homework
Maths and Reading homework
Date set: Friday 26th March 2021
Due in: Thursday 1st April 2021
For your homework this week, I would like you to head over to Purple Mash and continue the story by reading chapter two of "The Sleeping Volcano". Once you have done this, please complete the online quiz questions. For your maths homework, please head over to My Maths and complete "Rounding to 10, 100 and 1000".
Maths and Reading homework
Date set: Friday 19th March 2021
Due in: Thursday 25th March 2021
This week in maths we have been practising our multiplication and division. For your homework, please head over to My Maths and complete the Multiplication task that has been set. In English we have been working towards writing a tension story based on a volcano eruption. For your homework this week, I would like you to head over to Purple Mash and read chapter 1 of "The Sleeping Volcano" and answer the online quiz questions.
Maths and History/ English
Date set: Friday 12th March 2021
Due in: Thursday 18th March 2021
This week in maths we have bee converting between different units of time. For your homework, please head over to My Maths and complete the Time task that has been set. In history this week, we learnt about the power of the Roman army. For your homework this week, I would like you to follow the links below to research about the uniform and equipment of Roman soldiers. When you have done this, head over to Purple Mash and complete the Roman soldiers task.
Autumn Homework
Maths and English
Date set: Friday 11th December 2020
Due in: Thursday 17th December 2020
This week in Maths we've been continuing to practice our x tables. For your task this week, complete the My Maths task, 'mixed x table 2-12.' Can you beat the clock? Next week in English, we're going to be writing our own poems. For your English task, I would like you to write your own Christmas inspired poem on Purple Mash.
Maths and English Homework
Date set: Friday 4th December 2020
Due in: Thursday 10th December 2020
This week in maths we've been recognising, ordering and comparing different amounts of money. For your homework, please complete the My Maths money task set for you. This week for your English homework, I would like you to complete the year 3/4 words spelling quiz on Purple Mash. Make a note of any that you get incorrect and keep revisiting these words over the week.
Maths and E-safety Homework
Date set: Friday 27th November 2020
Due in: Thursday 3rd December 2020
This week we've been solving addition and subtraction word problems. For your maths' homework this week, please complete the My Maths task 'Addition and subtraction 4.' During our E-safety lessons this week, we've been learning about how to stay safe online and the importance of seeking permission. For your second task, please complete the Purple Mash task, 'Making choices.' Click on the different scenarios and decide what you would do in each case.
Maths and English Homework
Date set: Friday 20th November 2020
Due in: Thursday 26th November 2020
This week in English we have been working on using Dialogue Action and Description in our stories. On Purple Mash, have a go at practising your dialogue skills on the task set. Read the top tips first to help you. In maths, we've been learning about formal written methods for subtraction. Please complete the My Maths task, 'more written methods.'
Maths and English Homework
Date set: Friday 13th November 2020
Due in: Thursday 19th November 2020
This week in maths we've been working incredibly hard to to develop our accuracy when adding with renaming, and solving a range of addition problems. Your task this week is to complete the 'My Maths task, 'Adding in columns.' In English, we have been learning about the opening of a story set in a historical setting. We took on the role of Howard Carter, and ventured into the tomb. For your homework, I would like you to have a go at using the skills we have learnt this week to bring your own version of the story to life on purple mash by adding animations, text and voice recordings. I can't wait to see what you get up to.
Maths and English Homework
Date set: Friday 6th November 2020
Due in: Thursday 12th November 2020
In maths this week, we have been learning about using written and mental methods for addition. Please complete the My Maths task- Mixed sums over 100. In English, we have begun our exciting unit on stories set in historical settings and are working towards taking on the role of famous Egyptologist, Howard Carter. For your English homework, I would like to complete the Tutankhamun task on Purple Mash by researching about Tutankhmun and his tomb.
Maths, English and Creative Project
Date set: Friday 16th October 2020
Due in: Thursday 5th November 2020
This week in Maths we started adding and subtracting 1's 10's and 100's to numbers. For your homework, please complete the My Maths task 'Mental addition and subtraction.' For your English homework, please complete the -cian spelling quiz on Purple Mash. Next half-term, we will be learning about the Ancient Egyptians. Below, you will find an outline of optional creative projects that you might want to complete over the half-term. I look forward to seeing some of these outcomes.
Maths and English Homework
Date set: Friday 9th October 2020
Due in: Thursday 15th October 2020
This week in Maths we have been learning about negative numbers. Your homework for this week, is to complete the 'Introducing negative numbers' task on My Maths. Remember to think carefully about the direction the numbers will go along the number line, and remember our big clue - think about the temperature outdoors to help you. In English this week, we've been learning about prepositional phrases. We found out that prepositions can tell us when or where something is taking place in relation to something else. Have a go at the Purple Mash game, 'on the farm' that I have set for you, and see if you can beat the timer.
Maths and English homework
Date set: Friday 2nd October 2020
Due in: Thursday 8th October 2020.
This week in our maths blast sessions, we've been spending time learning about roman numerals. For your maths homework this week, I would like you to complete the Roman numerals task on My Maths. If you finish this, why not have a go at creating your own Roman numerals game. For your English homework, please complete the spelling activity '-tion' on Purple Mash. If you complete this, and would like an extra challenge, please have a go at writing these words into sentences.
Maths and English homework
Date set: Friday 25th September 2020
Due in: Thursday 1st October 2020
This week in maths we have been learning about rounding. We know that when we're rounding, we're trying to find which 10, 100 or 1000 a number is nearest to. For your homework this week, I would like you to complete the rounding to 10 and 100 My Maths task. When you have done this, have a go at playing some of the fun rounding games below, on Top Marks. For English this week, I would like you to complete the Purple Mash comprehension, 'Around the world in 80 minutes.' Remember to refer back to the story when answering the questions.
Maths and English Homework
Date set: Friday 18th September 2020
Due in: Thursday 24th September 2020
This week in maths we have continued our learning on place value. For your maths' homework, I would like you to complete the My Maths task- Place value hundreds and thousands. Please complete the lesson first, as there are a few extra challenges in this task. You will find your English homework on Purple Mash this week. Your task is to complete the fronted adverbials game, by adding the commas in the correct place, just like we have been doing in our English starters. If you have any difficulties accessing these, please let me know.
Miss Siriboe
Maths Homework
Date set: Friday 11th September 2020
Due in: Thursday 17th September 2020
This week in maths we have begun our learning on place value. We've recapped our understanding of hundreds, tens and ones, and have now moved onto working with thousands. Please complete the 2 My Maths tasks that I have set online. Remember to click save when you have completed it. If you need help with your task, remember to complete the lesson first.