We are Golden and we SPARKLE
This week, we are going to be starting our new topic ‘measurements’. We will be exploring perimeter, area and time. This week we will be focusing on perimeter of rectilinear shapes.
Monday (Romans day!)
Today is our Romans theme day. Head over to the Romans day subpage to find out about your Maths task for today.
Today you are going to be looking at perimeter of rectilinear shapes. Please use the link to the video resource centre below and watch today’s lesson. Once you have done this, head over to My Maths and complete ‘Introducing perimeter’.
Please head over to Purple Mash and complete the task set. If you are stuck or unsure, don’t forget to look back at yesterday’s lesson to recap!
Today you are going to have a go at measuring the sides of a shape to find its perimeter. Head over to Purple Mash and complete the task set for today. Remember, if you are unsure, go back to Tuesday’s lesson to recap finding perimeter.
Today you are going to be practising your arithmetic skills ( + - x ÷). Use the link to the video resource centre below to watch today’s lesson. Once you have done this, head over to Purple Mash and complete the task set for today.