
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

English resources



Today you will be working on the skill of summarising. Read the folktale - The Lime Tree's Curse. When you have read this, head over to Purple Mash and summarise the story by completing the 'Storyboard 2do' that I have set. Remember to think about the key points when summarising and for each picture write 2 sentences to show your understanding of the text.

The Lime Tree's curse


Today we are going to be looking at another folktale- The Wolf's claw. This time, we'll be thinking about the features of one. Click the link below to the video resource centre and head to the Outstanding Oaks page to find out what to do and to work through with me.


The Wolf's Claw


In the coming weeks, we are going to be rewriting a Russian Folktale based on the Wolf’s claw. One of the ways to show that you are writing a story from a different culture is to include vocabulary (words) from the country. Have a look at the pictures below. Using Yanka's Russian glossary below, can you match the picture  with the Russian word and meaning? When you've done this, head over to Purple Mash and complete the task- 'English- Wednesday 13th January.' Remember to listen to the sound buttons. 


Today, we're going to be looking back at the story, 'The Wolf's Claw.' To help us get really familiar with this story that we will be rewriting, I would like you to draw a story map to show your understanding of sequencing the text. This can be completed on a piece of paper, or if you would like to create it electronically, that can be done as well. When you have completed your map I would like you to add sentences from the story to it.

Story Map example


Today you will be learning about a new spelling suffix -ous. Follow the link below to lesson 1 to help you, then complete the -ous spelling task on Purple Mash. For an extension, you can have a go at applying some of these words in sentences. 
