We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Rise of the Robots
Autumn 2 Learning
In our English this half term we will be inspired by the book ‘Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes.
Within this, we will be learning how to write science fiction, diaries and adverts.
We will be learning how to include exciting adjectives, expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and conjunctions so that our writing wows!
In maths this half term we will be learning add and subtract with numbers to 1000 using formal written methods such as the column method. We will also learn how to add and subtract money and how to calculate change.
Please keep practising your times table rock stars at home – it is amazing to have a fast recall of facts!
How magnets work. We will be considering which materials are magnetic or not. We will learn about the poles of magnets and how magnets attract and repel.
We will also consider how objects move on different surfaces and think about what impacts how objects move.