
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

What are provision maps?

Provision maps detail the interventions that a child is included in that are “additional to” and “different from” the quality first teaching and curriculum differentiation that is available to all children. The provision we make at Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School is based on the good practice detailed in the Nottingham City Council Provision Maps, a guidance framework for each identified area of need. For example: children with ASD, children who are Visually Impaired (VI) etc.


These detail the Curriculum and Teaching, Assessment and Pastoral support that children with particular needs may benefit from access to. These maps are not an “all encompassing” exhaustive list. They are a guide to support the inclusion of children with special educational needs or a disability. Therefore children will not receive all of the interventions or support listed at any one time, but they may also receive additional interventions not included on the list. A copy of the Nottingham City Provision Maps can be found on our school website in the Inclusion section.


All pupils on the SEND register at SEN Support must be included on a class Provision Map. Any child with a full Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) must have an individual Provision Map.  These provision maps must be reviewed at least three times a year, with the parent and the child if it is appropriate to include the child.  This should ideally be done at Parents Evenings; if not a separate time will need to be made. 


If a pupil is making good progress the Provision Map review can be used to consider removing the child from the SEND Register.  Alternatively, if targets have not been met and all the required support has been in place the review may be the first part of the process to move the pupil to the next step on the register. eg from SEN Support – Stage 1 to involving other professional at SEN Support – Stage 2, or from SEN Support Stage 2 to a Person Centred Review as part of the EHCP process. There must be clear evidence in each class teacher’s SEND file of when targets have been reviewed and the outcome of that review, including which targets have been met and the new targets which have been set.  This evidence is very important in supporting the pupil to make progress, but also in providing evidence of the interventions by the school in the event of a move to beginning the EHCP process.
